Innsania 2C Chapter Seven

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We finally were able to drop the metal down and put Ben on the couch . the old wooden floor made a loud banging sounded throughout the house. When the weight of the metal was dropped on it. We looked at each other and smiled. A laugh left Kaseys and my tight lips.
We pulled each into a relieved hug, our arms were draped over each other as  both our legs were shaking with exhaustion and strain.
"Well..." I started,
"today was something else."
"Yeah..." She seemed lost in thought- it was a bit confusing.
"So, what do we do with Ben?"
"Upstairs bedroom."
I clearly remembered my shoulder giving off a loud crack of protest at the weight of the metal bring back a fresh image of Dave. His ribs, his legs. His wrist. Everything came rushing back into my head. The lump in my throat was getting noticeably bigger and harder to swallow. I was trying hard to keep the tears from falling. Don't waste tears on something that can not be changed. That one statement rang in my head like a bell over and over again. I'll have to focus on something else, I've cried enough in front of Kasey. I walked over to Ben and helped Kasey pick him up. I picked Ben up by his feet, as Kasey grabbed his arms. We carried him up the stairs careful not to smack his head against something. He had enough head injuries for the rest of his life. The blood coming out of his mouth, nose and the back of his head told me so. The blood from his nose was starting to poor faster and harder, maybe from the way we're carrying him? Maybe he hit his head against something again?
"Kasey." She hummed back to let me know she was indeed listening
"We'll need to sit him up straight with a few pillows to hold his head up. It's to try and stop the bleeding." I pointed with my head towards his nose as Kasey was looking off in the distance focusing on her footing. The stairs were steep making the walk harder than need be. With the new added weight it was almost obnoxious. I wanted to drag Ben up the stairs. We could put him on a couch cushion and then pull him up. I smiled at my stupid thought. We placed Ben on the bed with his head lifted
"Do you think he'll be okay?" Kasey was on edge about this whole thing. His plus was stronger now than before so I know for sure he would.
"Well, he has a pretty bad head injury but I think he's going to recover. Hopefully soon." I flashed Kasey a faint smile, trying to ease her mind. It seemed to work.
We walked down the stairs telling jokes and laughing to our self. It was an eventful day and I was glad to see Kasey smiling. We reached the basement and started looking through the mertairls. When Kasey pulled out a weird looking tool. It had a wooden handle and  a metal looking top that went into a circular shape. I looked at it sideways, a thing I've been doing a lot more recently.
"It's a hammer,"  Kasey explained. This did nothing to solve the mystery for me. Just made me over confused
    "A... what?"
    "A hammer. It's used to hit those little pegs in there, nails. It holds things in place. You really don't have them here?" I had seen other forms of tools in Lucy's house, so it was strange that she had never seen one.
    "Well... maybe they're on earth but I've never seen one." I eyed it sideways.
    "Here, why don't you come over and help? I can show you a couple things." I slowly walked over to Kasey. We spent what must've been a couple hours down there, but it really felt like no time at all. We laughed, smiled, and despite everything that had happened I felt really happy. Eddie came down sometime during that time. Kasey seemed fixated on Eddie as i went back to hammer the nails into the metal.
"And... it's done." I jumped up in excitement and took a few steps back to memorize our work.
"Oh no! We forgot the engine at the dump! It's the last piece, I can't lift off without it!"
I looked out the window at the dark large clouds covering the sun, making it a dark grey almost a black shade. I didn't want to go out right now. Ben is upstairs, we haven't eaten. The engine can wait till tomorrow... Can't it? Kasey threw her hands up in exasperated annoyance I had to suppress a giggle at, the face she was making made it hard.
"Look, it's getting late, how about we get it tomorrow?" I looked at her sideways waiting for an answer that never came from her mouth; instead it was only a nod of her head. We stared at the ship. I was starting to get hungry a nice smoked steak sounded great right right now although we've had steak for the past week. Maybe we could have a smoked chicken breast.
"...How about you go check on Ben while I start dinner?" Kasey dropped her arms back to her side and gave me a large smile. She turned around right away and ran towards the stairs Kasey looked back down at me from somewhere in the middle of the stairs.
"See you at supper!" Kasey called down to me with a wink. I turned around as the heat moved from my neck to my whole face. Something about her. Something about Kasey made me happy. I walked behind Kasey on light feet heading towards the kitchen. I listened to Kasey's feet against the stairs until they apparently stopped.
"KASEY!" I called up to her expecting an answer that I never got but I did hear a very quiet,
Ben was awake

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now