Innsania 2C Chapter Two

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The sound of growling and scratching caused me to stir in my sleep. Those sounds aren't new i've heard them before, only two times but I remember them. My thoughts caused me to jump out of my bed and smack my head straight against Theo. If Theo wasn't standing on top of me i would have went straight for the old creaky window. I fell back down with a thud. I groaned and rolled over and rubbed my forehead and mumbled some not so agreeable words. This time i pushed Theo off me before jumping up and moving the mated blanket from the window. "dia de la mort" I whispered almost incoherent. I mean... it really wouldn't matter how loud or how quietly I said it. Me and Theo are the only people in the house. I rapidly let go of the blacket when Theo started rubbing against me. I sat down on the old cracking concrete floor, it was cold against my knees. I pulled Theo into me and wrapped my arms around his furry neck. My arms sunk into his fur I took great pride in his fur brushing it, cutting it myself. I'll admit I'm not good at it, but it makes me happy to be able to take care of another being. Theo was the only other person i had in my life and i cling to him. He brought me comfort and happiness. I was put back into reality when Theo started to stir he didn't like to be held for long periods of time i blamed it on the fact he was alone for so many years. He wasn't a puppy when i got him so i could only estimate how old he was. But what dog is three feet tall? That's what I used to think but Theo wouldn't stop growing until recently. Having a 5 foot dog does help when we run into monsters. Theos loud bark and growl sometimes scared me and i've had him for five years. Theo started to pull my shirt in between his teeth letting me know he has completely lost the interest in being held. I didn't want to let go so I pulled him closer to me and pushed my head into his soft red fur. I knew he wasn't going to pull away from me, but the rumbling that was coming from deep inside his chest told me something completely different. He wasn't going to come near me for a few days after i let him go. I took this as an opportunity to brush his fur. I wanted to stay away from the window and anything to so with the outside world today. The old splinter wood cabinets told me otherwise. It's easier to stock up all at once then to go out every few days or weeks. We had nothing left to eat or drink. Unless I wanted to eat Theos food. Which i've done before. The bathroom hole did not appreat my two days of puking. The brush got stuck in Theos undercoat the sound of ripping fur filled my ears as I tried. Keywords tried to untangle the brush from his fur. Theo was whining in pain. The mumbled ¨sorry¨ was all i could muster out of my mouth as my face started heating up with frustration and embarrassment. Id have to cut it. I can't cut it though. I've put too much effort into his fur to just cut it. I glared at the brush in theos fur ¨hang on Theo." I stood up in search of another brush to maybe unmangle the one in his fur with that one.... walking into the decaying bathroom of sorts I could only find my hairbrush. It'll work i'll just have to let it soak and leave it immersed in the water for a few hours or maybe days? Hopefully I won't have to leave it submerged at all. I walked back over to my bedroom as the floor creaked with my weight. Theo hadn't moved from when I left. The area I was seated was still flushed with warmth as I sat back down on my knees and started working away on the brush. The sounds coming from this forsaken floor was starting to irritate me. Everytime I moved an inch not even an inch a millimeter at best. I hung my head low in fastrated. My greasy hair covered my face like a curtain as i finally pulled the brush out for his fur. I watched him run to his food dish that was almost definitely empty. (unless he left some food from yesterday. Very unlikely) Theo wanted no he needed food the longest i've let him go without food is two days. (since i've gotten him) "Theo" I mumbled worriedly "we have nothing to eat" Theo barked happily and trotted to the back door. I stared emotionless at the door. The back door was old; you could tell by just looking at it. Scratches etched their way along the bottom half of it and the edges were uneven and cracked. The door knob hung loose and was waiting eagerly to step inside. It smelled horridly and if you squint hard enough, you could see tiny black bugs crawling in between the jagged scratches. I could faintly hear Theo barking in the background, I wasn't focusing on the sounds he was making. I was unsure if it was to gain my attention or bring me back to reality. I was focused on the door. The tiny black bugs seemed to get bigger and bigger as time passed. Darkness started to embrace my vision from the recesses of my mind. To say i was scared would have been a substantial statement. Theo seemed to be growling. The growling sound deeper than the aforementioned barking it confused me. I wasn't sure how long I spent staring at that god forsaken door but i sure as hell knew it was a long time. I scratched the side of my head as I looked over at Theo that was in a wide protective stance with his ears pushed back into the side of his head. I looked at him with my head tilted to the side in wonder and confusion. As he keep growling at me? No it couldn't be me there had to be something else someone else. I slowly looked around the room staying far away from that door. In complete confusion i called for Theo. "Theo" he looked up at me like I hand two heads. He walked to the door. This time it was the front door. Did he feel the same effects of the door as I did. I'm not sure but I pulled my one piece over my head and matted hair. I ran my fingers through it trying to remove some of the nots. After I was sure most of them were gone i ran one hand on top of my head feeling the softer yet greasiness of my hair. As i'm pulling the top half of my hair up and out of my face. I grabbed a jacket off the floor as i ran from the front door hoping and praying Theo would keep up and i'd be able to make it to the tree line before something notices me. Theo was ahead of me the whole time. He keep barking at me to run faster, it was irritating. I slowed down to a walk as i came close to the tree line and called for theo to wait but that stubborn boy kept going.

I mean I love Theo with all my heart he's truly the one I can rely on. Don't get me wrong having another person to call friend or family would be prefect. Once again lost in my thoughts I ran into a tree. Now that was something to remember Lucy running into a tree. Something to remember, as i'm rubbing my head trying to ease the pain. Looking through the trees didn't seem like a bad idea. Ask me why i did i'll have no answer no reply. It was simply a spree of the moment you know? Something random that you don't have to do but you do it. But the torn up grass and smashed trees led me to believe a fight broke out with one of the monsters. It was hard to believe someone would try to take down a monsters at this time. As i'm walking through the pathway of trees i'm stopped by a extensive amount of metal?? But it wasn't like scrap metal that you find laying around. It was all put together into shapes. It smelled like a heady, intoxicating smell that makes you giddy and nauseous at the same time, the stench of petrochemicals. I think it has a name? I think it's gasoline? It seems to be abonaden. "Theo should we look through the thing? See if we can find anything" here I go again talking to a dog that can't respond. Those years of just being me and him are starting to get to me. Having a companion. A human companion would be great... I start looking through the metal but the only thing i could find was blood and more gasoline. Theo was barking beside me at another dog? A doberman. I walked over to him and checked his collar it read "Eddie" under the large nasa sign. I gently shook him awake. Eddie jumped up and growled at me? I think it was more at Theo. i put my head out for him to smell. Eddie somewhat calmed down after that. Enough for me to continue looking around. I saw a girl laying on the floor beside Eddie. I wasn't sure what to do as i poked her with a random stick that i found on the ground. I notice her eyes slowly open but you could tell she wasn't aware of her surroundings. She kinda stared at me? Looking at me like she had been roofied. I wouldn't say roofied more like a concusion state. I waved my hand in front of her face to see if I could gain her attention. Lets just say she didn't move. I didn't want to leave her here like this. I mean the poor girl is bleeding out of her head. Having a human company wouldn't be bad anyways. I'll have a lot of explaining to do when she wakes up. I walked through the forest looking for a large enough leaf to carry her. All that could be heard through the forest was the ear - piercing cries of vengeful souls, echoing through the treacle black woods. Dark, eerie shadows painted the forest floor. Far above me, the branches of statue like trees towered above me. They were twisted like distorted limbs reaching out towards me, trying to grab me. A twig snapped beneath my feet. I felt like fear was choking me with its murderous hands... I was vigilant walking through. The fear of a monster jumping out and grabbing me at any time lurked in my head. I finally found some old beaten up blocks of wood laying on the floor under a bunch of moss. Cold and wet, it made my hand shiver and goosebumps covering my arms as I pulled them out. I heaved one onto my shoulder and one onto Theos back. He had been silently following behind me. He didn't seem to protest at the new found weight on his back. My shoulder did. My muscles retracted and filled with blood as it tries to hold the weight. I slowly walk back to her the strain on my muscles taking a large tool on me. I laid the blocks of wood down and lifted her head onto the bored and slowly pushed it underneath her making sure to not rip her clothes. Eddie moved to her side on the wood in a protective way. I move to him and rubbed his ears trying to gain his trust a little more. It worked he walked beside me and Theo. We all grabbed barriers and what we could find of dead animals not so rotting but almost. I would need to put salt on it. I dragged her into the house. Now the stairs would be a problem. "Theo come here" he stood next to the stairs. I dragged her over to the stairs and pulled her onto Theo. It didn't seem comfortable. I mean having your torso and head on a dog but limbs hanging off. I pulled her onto the bed and walked back downstairs to take care of the fruit and feed the dogs. I put the fruit in the fourth cabinet to the right and cut the meat up and left a few chunks for the dogs. I walked upstairs and took a pillow from the bed and pulled the sheets up on the girl I laid down on the floor I look up at my clock one more time as it reads 10:30pm as i drift to sleep.

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now