Innsania 2C Chapter Four

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I was already downstairs crushing coffee beans with my beaten up rolling pin. Coffee was a rare treat; it took hours to get enough coffee beans to last a year. The bushes they grew on are very deep in the forest. I don't ventre very far into the woods. I didn't like having to fight the monsters.  I was humming a random tune as Theo and Eddie ran around the house playing together. They were chasing  each others tails. At one point Eddie got Theos curled tail.  Theo thumped to the ground with a dog type groan of defeat as Eddie danced around with his head held high. I heard a giggle a shot my head up towards the stairs to see Kasey there with a smile on her face that was soon gone when she noticed me staring at her.
"Kasey would you like some coffee?"  I was surprised she heard me... I didn't want to give her a headache. I had whispered it not wanting to make her concussions worse. I read in one of my grandmothers medical books that concussions could cause "confusion, vomiting, headache, nausea, depression, disturbed sleep, moodiness, and amnesia" I thought I still had the book downstairs. I'd look for it tomorrow maybe. I was brought out of my thoughts by Kasey answering my question.
"Yes please. I didn't know you still had coffee here,"
I looked up at her and nodded.
"Yeah we do, takes a really long time to find and make. Can you help me get everything ready?"
She seemed surprised by me asking for help. Maybe it had something to do with the way Kasey was raised. She did say, "Children are raised in facilities so that they won't form a bond with their parents that may distract them from their goals. Emotions aren't really showed, and friendships aren't as prominent. Everyone became independent, strong, smart and didn't let bonds, friendships or emotions get in the way."  People need help at some point. I didn't see how them not being able to express emotions made them better. Didn't they all bubble up? Wouldn't that make it worse? How were they supposed to talk when they're feeling hurt or scared?
"Sure. What would you like me to do?"
"Can you put those cups of water over the fire? To heat them up?"
I watched Kasey walk to the fire and then went back to crushing the beans when I heard a yelp from Theo. I shot my head up towards him and forgot about the rolling pin and slammed it into my hand. 
"SHIT!" I pulled my hand into my chested and cradled it. Kasey had ran in, grabbed my wrist and pulled it to her. She was talking to me about something but I was too focused on her face. I stared, adoringly, into her beautiful honey brown eyes. Outlined by long, full eyelashes, and above her arched eyebrows. People said they liked blue eyes more. That they are more romantic. Those people had never stared into light honey brown eyes that you could see your reflection in. I shook my head to regain focus. My hand was starting to throb. It was painful. I wanted to shake my hand, but Kasey's grip wouldn't loosen.
"Kasey. Kasey! Shit Kasey, please let go," You could hear the pain in my voice- I wasn't trying to hide it. Her grip was causing me more pain than good. Kaseys head snapped up. She looked away nervously, but she couldn't hide the red glow that came over her face as she mumbled,
I moved my hands up to her face and guided her to look at me.
"Hey it's okay don't be sorry," I gave her a little smile to show her I was okay, which she returned with a smile of her own for a split second before she turned away. I moved my hands away and whipped them on my pants Kasey had been sweating nervously. She left me at the kitchen counter for a few minutes with my own thoughts. "What is she doing?"  I tried to go back to crushing the coffee beans but the pain in my wrist was too much. I slid down the wall with tears running down my face, I bite the back of my hand to stop from making sounds. This was my good hand, I was crying over nothing. It's a wrist. "A goddamn wrist Lucy. Everything is so overwhelming. I started crying harder, my frame shook with each tear. I don't know when Kasey came back but when I looked up she was there she was staring at me wide eyed. I wanted to stop crying so I held my breath and stared at the ceiling until i couldn't see. Kasey came over and pulled me up into her. I froze in shock, i wasn't sure what to as i slowly reached up and put my arms around her neck and hid my face in the crock of her neck, where her shoulder and neck met. I'm sure I was soaking her shirt with my tears. She started awkwardly rubbing my back. I started laughing at how poorly she was trying to comfort me. She pulled away from me.
"Now we've both seen each other cry. We're even." She giggled. It made my heart swell with happiness, It made me happy seeing her try to open up.
"Hey Kasey... can you go into that room and get a wrap for my wrist?..." 
"Yeah, where is it?"
"You should be able to see it when you walk in."
Kasey opens the door and goes in.  I watch the door closely as she goes inside and looks around. She comes out and wraps my wrist for me I was  surprised she knew what she was doing until she told me
"I used to need to do this during training"
That made more sense.
    "Y'know, I've been really wanting to go outside and get some fresh air. I feel like I haven't moved in ages but... I really don't want to see those creatures again. One of them killed my teammate. I don't know how you've survived for so long."
A flashback to the day my parents and grandparents died flowed through me like a cold wind on a summer day. I could feel the tears fill my eyes again but I took a deep breath and explained how it wasn't always like that how it was only that day
"You happened to arrive on dia de la mort. The one day the monsters are the worst. They'll go after anyone and everything. We can go out tomorrow. I promise I'll take you." I looked over at the clock as it read out 10:30 I lead Kasey back  up stairs with Eddie and Theo behind us. I change into an old pair of shorts and t-shirt.  I walk over to Kasey and give her clothes as well to change into as I crawl into bed under the covers. I watch Kasey come back into the room and senk in beside me. I waited till Kaseys breath evened out then moved closer to her and tangled my legs with hers. It was cold tonight and Kasey was giving off a large amount of heat. I listened to Kasey's soft and even heartbeat. It was southing. The sound rocked me to sleep.

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now