Innsania 2C Chapter Six

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We finally reached the area we last saw the ship I stayed back and watched Kasey venture forward. Theo was pushing and winning against my back. He wanted to stay with the group, it was more like he wanted to stay with Eddie. I was afraid of seeing that girl again, I was trying to work up the courage to go but I couldn't.
"Come on Lucy I need help carrying some of this stuff."
I slowly took a deep breath with my first step forward. Watching the uneven traina as i went.
"Kasey is there anything over there?"
"No need to yell Kasey i'm right here."
I stood behind Kasey with my hand against her back. Her shirt was a soft enew material unlike mine. Mine was a old hard material. It was ripped and fixed with old patches, the same colour but you could see the string  my grandmother used to sew it on. A light yellow. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kasey look a step forward lifting up different pieces of metal and placing them somewhere else I moved forward to help.
    "Anything specific I should be looking for."
    "Yeah a blinding orange colour."
Why would it be such a bright colour. I looked over the sea of metal with the occasional gag on the smell surrounding me. I gazed my eyes over everything looking for something shiny.....  
But instead I see Eddie. He has his ears back like he's in pain.. Maybe he is. I started walking over to him slowly watching my feet hoping to god not to fall. I don't want another injury. Eddie was slowly become larger and larger as I closed in on him. I rubbed my hands through his short fur. Looking up was something i was going to regret my own ears rang with the loud scream that left my mouth before i covered it with my own hand. It was a person. His bones were sticking out everywhere. I looked over him. in admitted gag caused me to hunch over. I felt a hand on my back.
"It's Dave" 
It was who? I've never heard her, Kasey talking about this person. I'm not sure they were much of  a person now. His legs touched the back of his head and moved around in the wind as if they had no bones in them. That statement was certainly true. I lifted my body back up. More like forced it up my spin cracked as I moved upwords the sound  made me cringe. It put a sound into my head and made me imagine what must have happened.
We walked out of the ship, the four that was left. Me, Kasey, Ben and Eddie. We already lost two people. Just like our caption said "stick together" but we didn't. We all went our own way. Hunting for anything and everything. I went left Kasey went right. Ben, I didn't see what way Ben went. Eddie stayed behind at the ship. Walking through the muddy forest looking for anything but what I did find was not what I was looking for. I slowly and quickly turned around ready to sprint back to the ship knowing full well I would not be able to take on a monster that is at least seven feet taller than me. I looked over my surroundings looking for something to hopefully help me. Trees, grass, mud. Nothing. I could always run  back to the ship and get something. I looked back up at the monster to be met with his hall0w, dark black ones. I looked back forward and took of in a sprint back towards the ship. I made it halfway before being picked up and thrown back towards the ship. The godforsaken sound my ankle made when i landed on my feet after being thrown at least three feet will forever be stuck in my mind. I looked down at my ankle knowing Id have a little time before the monster gets here. As I couldn't hear it's footsteps. My talus and my fibula bone were sticking out of my leg with blood pouring out where my bone had intercepted with my leg. I moved towards the ship, my left leg being dragged behind. I was slowed down by my leg. It was leaving a travel through the mud. Eddie came running over when he heard my grunts of pain. He pulled his ears back against his head and lowered himself into an attacking stance. He lowered himself even more to the ground and started growling he was trying to protect his under stomach. He wanted to attack this thing. I grabbed the scruff of his neck and threw him behind the ship. Eddie got what I wanted of him and hide himself in the metal of the ship. Before I could turn around and attack this monster. It picked me up by the hood of my shirt and throw me around. Hitting my back then my face. I could hear the crunch and break of my nose as it smashed into the ground. Hot reed bleed poured down my face at an alarming rate. I moved my arm up to hold my now broken nose. I lifted my other one into the monster's face. I shaved my hand far into the monsters eye hoping for it to drop me.  My chest heaved up and down trying to keep oxygen in my body. My back smashed into the ground as a large growl escaped the things mouth. a large crack could be heard from miles away as the monster throw me down on the ground. It had broken my ribs. One puntrcucted my left lung. I was slowly losing conscious. I prayed. NO I begged to god it wouldn't come back that the monster would leave me on the ground to die. My heart beat was starting to slow down. I could no longer feel my heartbeat as you normally could with a large amount of  adrenaline pumping through your veins. I was struggling to breath blood was filling my lungs making it almost impossible. I was fully accepting of dying now. No not accepting i wanted it no, needed it. It picked me back up again. This time by the wrist. It was slowly being crushed in its grip. I could hear it. My muscles being pulled off my bones. The blood flow stopping and turning it a dark shade of blue then finally purple. I wanted to laugh, this whole thing was a mistake. Working for nasa. Spending 124 years in a ship. No not a ship a bed way to small for my large and muscular frame. I let out a painful laugh cough as I spit in the monsters face then coming to this barbaric land was the wrose of the mistakes i ever made.. This time The thing finally threw me down on the ground and left me there. The sound of every vertebrae cracking. I would have enjoyed it if my nerves didn't shoot off; The sound of my spin snapping in half, the pain of it pushing through my skin and blood filling my lungs way faster than before. My left lung was a few sizes bigger I could see it through my broken ribs. The pain i felt this day seemed to be the last thing I'll seem to remember.
I rubbed my hands over my arms trying to remove the now painstaking and noticeable goosebumps covering my entire body. Tears started to fill my eyes and it became harder and harder to breathe. I fell down to my knees and started to panic. I need to calm down, I need to breathe. It's a dead body. I've seen them before. I've seen them in worse states. Kasey leaned down and moved me to look at her.
"Lucy are you okay?" She seemed to be concerned, I pulled her into me and held onto her. I hide my face from the bod- Dave. Kasey slowly pulled me up and led me back towards the metal. She pulled away from me when he was out of sight. I wanted to distract myself from everything that had gone on today. We both did. We individually went back to looking for the escape pod. I couldn't get what I- we saw out of my mind. I watched Theo walk around being careful of the sharp metal pieces.
I want back to moving pieces around. When I notice a little orange spot peaking up. I move over to it with the sound of nails clicking behind me. I left up the shard of metal and grabbed a side part of the escape pod. Forgetting the metal was sharp and heavy i dropped it, the metal piece broke off and one flange up and cut me derically under my left eye. I could feel the blood dripping down my face. I'm too emonail drained to care. I let it drip. Drip off my face onto my shirt, staining it a dark ruby red colour that seemed almost brown against my dark green sweater.  I knew for sure it was going to stain. I looked down at a puddle of water, watching the blood continue to drip as it slowly tainted the water pink.  I called Kasey over and gave her the piece I found and went back to looking. It was starting to get boring looking through metal all day. I looked up at the sun as it started to get darker. Dark almost black clouds covered it. I wanted to get home soon. I went back over to Kasey as she found the rest of the pod. It was starting to get colder. goosebumps covered my arms not a painful kind more of a comforting feeling as a reminder that I was still human even after today's events. Eddie barked in the distance I glanced over at Kasey with a nod letting her know I didn't want to stumbleupon anymore dead bodies and she should go. It was a silent reglaction I watched her stumble on the uneven muddy ground. It was starting to sink in around her. I wasn't sure what to do at this point. Everything and everyone was starting to overwhelm me, I didn't want to tell Kasey I didn't want her to feel bad. I laughed at my own thoughts Kasey feeling bad. A scream and what seemed. No, sounded to be freaking out brought me out of my inner battle of self doubt. It sounded like Kasey babbling on and on about something. No she said a name... It sounded like Ben. I ran in the direction she disappeared in. I could feel the mud seeping in through my pants and shoes. I'm going to need to wash my- OUR clothes tonight. I looked up at Kasey to see tears threatening to escape her eyes, she was trying so hard to keep them in. She seemed to be yelling about Ben and how he was her teammate. I was focusing on Ben; his chest seemed to be moving up and down. Slowly and achingly by the looks of it. I didn't want to tell Kasey, he would live in agony for the rest of his life. Kasey had a pleading look in her eyes. She was already devastated about finding Dave; we both were. I walked over to him and placed my index and middle finger against his jugular vein. I waited, trying to feel some sort of heart beat. I did. It was faint but noticeable.
"Kasey calm down please he's alive."  

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now