Innsania 2C Chapter Three

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I felt a pressure around my neck to the point I couldn't breath. I shoot up and flip whoever was on my neck over. I opened my eyes to see the girl that I found yesterday. I was holding her hands above her head as I stared down at her. She looked up at me like she was about to cry. It scared me I thought I was hurting her... my hard gaze softed. She went through a lot yesterday I don't need to frighten her more than I already have.
"Calm down" I was absolutely exhausted from sleeping on that hard floor and it was noticeable in my voice as I spoke. I heard a mumbled,
"Look-" from her. Her eyes started to go a bright red as large elephant tears started to go down her face. I wanted to wipe them off her face and tell her she was soft but she's been through so much I didn't want to scare her. "I-I just want to know where I am!" Her statement was coughed out and sobbed. I stared into her eyes to see if she had any intention to either run or fight me. The statement the eyes are the window to the soul, and I highly believe in it. I leaned back after I realized she wasn't going to do anything.
I patted my thigh silently telling her to sit up with me. When she did sit up I stuck my hand out to her.
"I'm lucy" I was excited you could hear it through my whole voice. The girl was very hesitant in shaking my hand but she did with a mumbled,
"Kasey." I finally know her name I don't need to call her "the girl" anymore. She wiped her tears and looked away from me like a hurt child. "What is this place?"
"This is my shelter. I've lived here with my dog, Theo since my family died." I spoke clearly to not seem hurt by it, but the pain seeped into my words. Even I could tell that. I smiled sadly at her. Kasey's curiosity seemed to take over as the words seemed to slip out of her mouth.
     "When was that?" I didn't want to answer. This week seemed to be full of me thinking or talking about my dead family. It was starting to affect me. Not in a good way. More of I'm going to have a mental breakdown at any point in time.
"Five years ago yesterday." I wispeard more to myself then Kasey but she seemed to hear as her eyes widened in fear? It seemed to be fear. But what would she be fearing. She has Eddie and now me to make sure nothing bad happens. Or was it pity, I'm hoping it isn't. "What about you? What's happened in your life? How'd you end up bloody and passed out in a pile of scrap metal?" I laughed trying to lighten the suddenly dark topic. She seemed deep in thought before answering
"Well, I was born on Innsania 2C in 3888." She stopped when she saw my expression of pure confusion.  Did she hit her head too hard?  "Do you know Innsania 2C?" Kasey asked.
"...No?.. I've never heard of it. I'm sorry"
"Y'know... The planet humans ended up on after leaving Earth? After it was destroyed by pollution and nuclear bombs?"
    "I don't..." I really don't know what this place is, I'm so confused. She's speaking as if it's a well known thing. Maybe it is. I looked at her. I was told the humans died because of the Nuclear war. "I thought most of the humans just died off. After the Nuclear wars. Some survived, but all of the chemicals and stuff caused all these monsters to mutate. Am I wrong?" Kasey keep going with her story to try and help me understand.
"Well, no, but you're missing a big part. Here, I'll tell you. I learned all about it in school: In around 2036, the pollution got so bad that everybody expected the end of the world. In the panic, all of the rich and important people were gathered up and shoved onto these gigantic spaceships with enough resources are space to house generations of people." Kasey looked bored having to explain this to me. I feel like a child needing to be taught things all over again. I can't believe my parents lied to me about this. Kasey continued, -
"Before they left, all of the government leaders were determined to completely start over, so they fired off hundreds of nuclear bombs to kill off the humans that weren't on the spaceships. And, well, we thought we did, but you're here so that must be wrong." I giggled at the statement.
"My planet, Innsania 2C, was discovered as an inhabitable planet in 2163 after 127 years of travelling on the spaceships. The humans were determined to not make the same mistakes as they did on Earth, so a completely new society was formed. In this society, the one I grew up in, we're raised solely to better the planet. Children are raised in facilities so that they won't form a bond with their parents that may distract them from their goals. Emotions aren't really showed, and friendships aren't as prominent. Everyone became independent, strong, smart and didn't let bonds, friendships or emotions get in the way." I looked at her surprised. I mean why would I hide it? 127 years of traveling!
"So... You don't have emotions? But you cried!" Kasey seemed embarrassed as she tried to explain her crying session.
"No... We do have emotions.. We're still human... But it's not really socially acceptable to show them. They're unprofessional. I've been crying just because, well, everything is a lot lately."
    "So then, how did you end up back on Earth?" I questioned it was such a weird thing to be told all this. In fact hard to believe.  I  watched Kasey visible shuddered at my question. I was about to tell her she didn't need to answer when she took a deep breath and answered anyways. I was acting like a child on christmas morning when they get to open up all their gifts. Wanting more and aren't satisfied until they get that one gift they've been asking for all year long. I was soaking up all the information I was given. 
    "I work for a company called NASA. It's been around since we lived on Earth. Since we got better cryogenic technology, technology that allows us to sleep for years without aging, I was asked to join a mission to revisit our old planet. It's called The Earth Mission. I was put into a five person team, plus one dog, and we were cryogenically asleep for... what was it... somewhere around 112 years. Yesterday, I think, we landed. When we got out... we were attacked. I think... I think I'm the only person left."
    "I remember reading nasa on your dog's tag" It took me a minute to remember that I have her dog.
    "Oh! I have your dog!" I said beaming at her. She must miss him. Eddie his name is Eddie i almost forgot.
"He's not mine." Kasey just about screamed. It upset me to know he wasn't her. He seemed bounded to her.
    "Are you sure? He seemed pretty protective of you while you were passed out." Kasey seemed deep in thought as I leaned my head to the side to look at her differently.
"He was guarding you. He only let me take you because he trusts Theo. Is he a Doberman? I think I've seen them before."  I just about wispearded the first part most d0gs love me and don't shy away from a good belly scratch but Eddie did.
  "I don't really know dog breeds but I think so,"
I was at a loss for words after that statement how do you not know yo- i had to remind myself he isn't Kaseys dog. Eddie has all of the doberman characteristics, the high pointed ears, the short stubbed tail. Everything down to a tea reminded me of a grey doberman. I was slowly becoming more and more agitated the more i thought about her not knowing his breed.
    "Are we going anything today"
looked at Kasey confused.
"You're not familiar with the new Earth at all, are you?"
"The sun rises really early here. It's only 4AM."
     "And you" i gave kasey a playful shove and smiled as i continued  "need some rest. You hit your head pretty hard. You might have a bit of a concussion. I need some more rest too- It's impossible to sleep on this cold floor."  I chuckled dryly and rubbed my eyes. The floor is impossible to sleep on.
"You can sleep on the bed," Kasey suggested.
"I'll sleep down there." She motioned with  her head.
"No no no. It's fine. You have a concussion, you need to sleep well."  I urged.
"Why don't we both sleep on the bed then? It's big enough for both of us." Her suggestion didn't go unheard as I climbed up onto the bed smiling.  I moved as far as I could away from her so she wouldn't be uncomfortable. I listened to Kaseys uneven breathing the rest of the morning. I was uncomfortable warm and sweating. I wanted to get up but i knew id wake Kasey from her already horrible sleep. I stayed still staring at my bright red clock. 4:30, 4:39, 4:50. I'm not sure when I  fell into a very light sleep but it was around 5:30

Innsania 2C /Lucy pov/Where stories live. Discover now