Chapter 2

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"What exactly does this thing do?" I ask, standing in the middle of an odd room with a huge sensor thing in the middle and a pedestal underneath.

The older man -whom I learned is called Doctor Strange- has me standing on the silvery, reflective, circular surface of the pedestal.

I was instructed not to touch anything or anyone until they figure out what is causing the glowing in my hands.

The glowing stoped when we got to... well... where-ever we are.

"It's gonna scan you and tell us if there's any abnormalities or substances in your system or DNA." A new voice answers. I can't pin-point where it's coming from. "Don't worry; it's harmless."

I bite my lip nervously.

"Just stand still." It instructs.

I stand stiff as a board as a blue light circles me, making a tube around me.

Then it's gone.

I glance around, awaiting further instruction.

It takes about five minutes before Doctor Strange reenters the room, coming to get me.

"Where's Spider-Man?" I ask. He followed us here, but now he's disapeared.

"He has other things he needs to be doing right now." Doctor Strange answers. "And right now, I want to figure out what exactly triggers the glowing."

"Did you find out anything from that?" I point towards the door of the room we just left from.

He nods, opening the door right beside and allowing me in.

"Hello, Asteryn." A dark-skinned girl with an african-sounding accent greets, her holding her hands behind her back. "My name is Jamila."

"Um... hello." I reply.

"I'll start with saying you are not human," Doctor Strange waves at me to come closer and look at a holograme of myself. "At least not entirly."

"What am I then?"

He smiles at my inquisitiveness. "We aren't entirely sure. Yet. But we do know that your core temperature is much higher than the average person, and yet your extremities are much colder."

"Your DNA is much more complex than that of any regular human." Jamila continues. "There are simularities, but not enough to classify you as human."

I look to Doctor Strange. "So... what now?"

He gives me an apologetic look. "That is something that needs to be discussed. But for now I think it's best that we keep you here to monitor you. At least until we're certain that you're not a danger to the world beyond these walls."

Could I really be that dangerous?

"That seems fair." I agree hestitantly.

He seems pleased by my cooperation. "Good."

I'm lead to what looks like a living quarters in a different part of the building. This place is huge, and the room is the size -and has the apearance- of a suit in a five-star hotel. Actually, it reminds me almost of a luxury bachlore apartment.

"Feel free to make yourself comfortable. This will be your room while you're here." Doctor Stange says, then hands me an object the size of a cellphone. "If you are hungry or need anything, use this."

He shows me how to use it before leaving me with it in solitude.

Even with the cool gadgets and everything, I find myself getting bored. I explore the room, familiarizing myself with it before plopping down on the bed.

I'm afraid to touch anything. Even though I was given permission. I'm not interested in watching anything on the Television, or fiddling with the phone-thing.

I want to remember. It's bothering me so badly that I can't remember anything besides for my first name.

And what kind of name is Asteryn anyway?

I let out a frustrated sigh and lay back on the bed.

"God this is so messed up." I mutter, running my hands through my hair.

My hair catchs my attention and I stare at it for a moment. It's shimmery, metalic almost. It's a medley of different tones of copper and bronze.

I stand up and head to the bathroom to take a closer look at my reflection.

With a little distance, my hair looks like it's a reddish colour. Not quite red or brown, but definatly an in-between. My skin is tan, but not dark and I've got a fit figure. Which tells me that I'm probably a fairly physically active person.

I've got no words for my apearance. I'd think I was someone else entirely if I didn't know how mirrors worked.

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