Chapter 15

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I wake up in a vaguly familiar place with a vaguly familiar person sitting in front of me.

"There you are, kitten." He purrs. "I was begining to think I lost you for a while."

He's got an accent too. One close to mine.

I'm still groggy as the 'new' person presses a hand against my cheek, dragging his thumb over it.

"After you ran away, well, I thought that was it for us."

"Untie me." I groan, yanking at my arms. I'm stiff and it doesn't help that I'm tied to a chair. "You're gonna be in soo much shit when they find me."

""They?"" He quotes. "Your little friends you mean?"

"The Heros." I snap. "The ones working for Stark Industries."

"Like they care about a little girl like you." His face twists into a sneer.

I twist my wrists, but I can't manage to pull off my gloves.

I lock eyes on the floor. He can't keep me tied to this chair forever. He's gonna have to untie me at some point.

"Good." He grins when I stop fighting it. "Steel, Cam, bring Pierce to her room and lock her in. I'll let our buddies know she's back."

I don't like the sound of that.

Pierce. It's a name. It's a name that I remember. It's my name that these people call me by. But it's not my real name.

I'm untied, but each guy grabs a wrist, keeping me from escaping as I'm lead down a couple flights of stairs. We stop at the very bottom, walking along the cement floor to a large iron door.

I'm shoved into the room and the door is swung shut with an ear-splitting screech and brang!

It's soo quiet in here that my ears ring and the room's illuminated by a harsh hollogen light.

Doom and defeat sit heavily in my chest.

I know this place. I've been here before. I've spent years in this very room with only the plants placed along the wall opposite to the caged light as my constant companions.

I asked for those plants. To keep the air cleaner and free of the stale scent that used to choke me out.

And they worked.

I sit with my back against the cold cement wall and stare at my gloved hands.

It's no use to take them off now.

The glowing in the gems fixed in the palms of the black gloves die with that thought.

It was a fluke the first time I escaped. A one in a million chance. They're going to do everything they possibly can to keep it from happening again.


My heart droped the moment Aster's phone did.

I went to the alley as soon as she stopped responding to me and found her phone laying on the ground. She hadn't even hung up yet.

There's nothing else here. No sign of anyone.

"Karen, what do I do?" I mumble, my chest aching and heart pounding. "Someone took her."

"You can call the others and ask for their help in searching for her." Karen suggests.

"I was supposed to keep her safe. I was supposed to watch her."

"They will surely understand if you explain it to them." Karen replies. "I can send out a message to Doctor Stange alerting him of the situation."

I give in. "Okay. Him and only him. Maybe he can use some sort of tracking spell or something."

Within a second, Karen confirms that the message has been sent.

I pace the alley in wait until almost a half-hour after when Mister Strange apears from a portal.

"Tell me what happened."

I spill; telling him how Aster had gone out with MJ this morning to the caffé and Aster wanted to go stop crimes from happening after that. I tell him about the call and the barely audible male voices in the background.

"Where's Michelle now? Perhaps she seen something this morning."

My eyes widen and I pull my phone out, dialing MJ's number and putting it on speaker for Mister Strange to hear too.

"What do you want, dork? Don't you know I'm working?"

"I'm sorry. Look. Did you and Aster see anything weird this morning?"

"Uh... I mean yeah... there was this one guy..."

"What did he do? What did he look like?" Hope sparks in me.

She describs him as tall and fit. His black hair salted with greys and his face starting to wrinkle with age. She says he randomly walked up to them as they were working on the design and talked to them. He said he was looking for someone, but didn't say who and when Aster told them they were busy he just left.

"Anything else?" I ask eagerly looking for something more.

"Nah, that's it. I came here. Why? Is Aster alright?"

"Uh... I'll get back to you on that. Thanks MJ."

I hang up, looking to Doctor Strange, who sighs. "This doesn't look very good."

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