Chapter 13

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The four of us got together and came up with a concept for the my mask.

Peter and Ned discussed the possible tech and engineering while MJ and I focused more on the design, functionality, and convience.

Right now Peter and I are out looking for some crimes to stop as our superhero selves.

It's pretty quiet today. We've only found one woman who was pick-pocketing and Peter made quick work of her.

"Hey, how about we go hang out on Staten Island for a while?" Peter asks as we sit atop a building; watching the busy streets. "There isn't much for crime today."

"Sure." I shrug.

We head back where Peter left his things and he shrugs his clothes on over his Spider-Man suit; pulling a pair of black gloves on over his hands.

It is kinda chilly outside today, so it's not an odd thing for someone to be wearing gloves and a scarf.

The cold nips at my skin once my glowing subsides, but it's not as bad once I slip on a sweater.

I love the ferry ride. I can't help but stand right against the rail over-looking the water like a little girl.

"Gosh you're cute."

I blush and so does Peter. I don't think he meant to say that out loud.

"And you're funny." I crinkle my nose, playing it off.

We walk around for a while, exploring and reading plaques. We don't bother to go up the statue of Liberty because there's way too many people.

We take one of the last ferries back and Peter texts Aunt May that we might be home a little later then usual.

I smile a little at the thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

I glance over at Peter, my lips parting. I was lost in thought.

My smile reapears though. "Here, I guess. I just thought it was funny because I thinking about how Aunt May's kinda become like a home."

"That's a good thing, right?"

I glimpse him biting his lip from the corner of my eye as I watch out the window of the ferry.

"I think it is."

He reachs over and cautiously laces our hands together.

"I do too." He smiles.

I kinda zone out contently again. That is until I suddenly start vividly day-dreaming about walking in Times-Square.


I hear Peter, but my vision remains trapped.

I look around in confusion, a pit growing in my chest. What's happening?

"Aster, what's going on?" Peter whispers. But I'm not answering.

I'm searching around the streets until I spot something that sends chills down my spine. A man in black carrying a duffle-bag.

Which shouldn't be all that weird because of all the broadway-shows that go on here. He could simply be an actor or someone working on a show and carrying his things.

But he captures my attention.

"Asteryn, please. You're scaring me."

It's like I can read the mind of the person who's eyes I'm seeing through. They know what's going on.

The grasp on my mind is let go and I shake it out. Really, my body's doing that all on it's own.

"We gotta go." I stand up, my hand still in Peter's.

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