Chapter 28

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Peter's not once complained about the dander left from my growing feathers and I've been washing his bed every day and sweeping his floor to keep up with it.

For two days of sign-language learning, Peter's picking up well.

I can hear a little, but all the sounds are muffled and blurred, like someone's yelling at me underwater.

I sit on Peter's floor with him as he plays with my wings and I preen away the waxy-bits that need to be gone. The itchyness hasn't quite gone away, but it helps when they're preened.

"MJ's wants to come over." Peter signs clumsily as I lean into his chest. "If that is okay."

I smile up at him proudly and nod. "It's okay."

He smiles and kisses my forehead, taking both of my hands in his and playing with my fingers.

The three of us hang out for a while in the apartment, then MJ's gotta go to work. The whole time, MJ was writing in a notepad and passing it back and forth so I could follow and engage in the conversations.

"Want go out again?" Peter asks, signing as he talks.

I nod excitedly. "Please?"

"Alright, we'll take a walk to the..." he doesn't know how to sign it.

"Alley?" I guess aloud.

He nods and I show him the sign for it.

I kiss him with an amused smirk. "You're soo sweet." 

"Come on, pretty baby." He motions, standing up and pulling me up too.

My wings fold away and I let Peter grab his bag before we leave the apartment building.

He brings me to another roof-top after picking up something to eat for supper.

I should be ready to take flight in another day or so and I'm soo ready for it.

We only go home once the sun sets. First we make a pit-stop so Peter can stop a convienience store robery before.

Deciding to walk back, the two of us head in and say goodnight to Aunt May.

Peter takes a shower while I tidy up the bedroom again, setting my stuff away neatly on his dresser.

I wait for him to come to bed before laying with him, cuddling up to his chest. God, he smells soo good after a shower.

As I'm drifting off, Peter mumbles something and kisses the top of my head.

And I hear it clear as day.

I don't think that he thought I heard him because when I look up at him and say it back, his cheeks turn rose-red.

"I love you too."

"I-I uh... y-you do?" He stutters, biting his lip. "You heard me?"

"Yes." I smile tiredly, lacing our fingers together. "And yes. I missed your voice."

He pulls me to his chest and kisses me hard, making my heart flutter wildly.

I pull back slowly, biting my lip. "If you keep kissing me like that, I won't want to sleep."

"What will you want to be doing then?" He asks mischieviously.

"You." I mumble, leaning down for another kiss and crawling on top of him.

"I would like that." He smirks, chewing his lower lip before crashing his mouth to mine again.

Spiders And Stars // Peter Parker/Spider-Man FanficWhere stories live. Discover now