Chapter 25

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"I've got this one, baby. Just go back to sleep." Peter whispers, crawling out of bed.

I don't want to. I wanna go out and help catch the bad guy.

But I'll just slow Peter down. I'll be more burdensome than anything else. I can't fly, so what use am I?

"Kay. Be carefull." I mumble as he slips into his suit.

I sit up in bed, leaning forward and stretching my wings wide.

They're itchy to say the least. And when they're away, my back itches like crazy.

I fold them away and pull on a bra and shirt before steping out onto the fire-escape. It's chilly out, but I'm glad I stole a pair of Peter's thick PJ pants.

I stare up at the sky and at the stars. It's been about three weeks that I've been grounded. Three long weeks.

In that time, I've been keeping the apartment practically spotless; using my free time cleaning and finding other ways to amuse myself.

There's a few times that I've found myself hudled in a corner with Aunt May's textbooks. I've already gone through Peter's comics and a few novels and I find the textbooks last me longer. They're interesting, but I gotta take breaks here and there to make sure I'm processing it all.

I wait for him to come back, staring at the stars.

It's almost an hour. I worry, even though I know he's more than capable to handle things on his own.

I wonder about where I'm from.

Are my parents still alive? Did they look for me? I know how the whole human trafficking thing works, so where was I taken from? Who was I taken from?

It would help to know when I was taken. Then I could search through news articles from that time. I could look through missing person's reports from that time for people with my description. But there's probably hundreds of thousands of girls with my description that's missing.

"Hey there, pretty lady."

I look up over me and smile when I see my Spidey standing on the rail behind me.

"Hey. Save the day again? Or should I say night?"

"Hmmm more like morning. And yeah; mission accomplished." He replies. "You didn't go back to sleep, did you?"

I shake my head. "Not really, no. I did some star-gazing instead."

"I think we should get a telescope." Peter replies. "But right now, we've got a few hours left until dawn and I wanna take you out for a bit."

"Where?" I ask, standing up and giving him my hand.

He pulls me up to his chest and puts his arm around my waist.

"Just out."

With that he swings us through the streets.

I get a little nervous when we're close to the ground, but when we get higher I can feel my smile grow genuine.

He stops on the roof of a high-rise.

I take a deep breath of the strong-winded breeze, loving the height.

Peter pulls off his mask, watching me with a bit of relief. "There's that smile. I missed it. I haven't seen it in a while."

I sigh, kissing Peter on the cheek before looking back out at the gorgeous view of the night city.

"Thank you, love."

He wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses the side of my neck.

I giggle, unbuttoning my flannel shirt and allowing my wings out. Letting the wind flow through the feathers with my eyes closed.

"Aster, baby, what are those?"

I open my eyes and glance back at him before following his gaze down to one of my wings.

There's waxy, grey, needle-like 'things' poking out from all the little holes that had been left behind from the plucked feathers.

I look at the underside to find longer ones, about a foot long each.

I touch one of them, pinching the end with my nails and the wax coating flakes off; revealing the beginings of new feathers.

"Pin feathers..." I mumble. "No wonder I've been soo itchy lately."

Peter grins and I realize what that means.

"They're growing back." I whisper in awe.

My wings flap twice from my excitment, and I nearly knock Peter on his butt.

"I'm sorry." I continue to smile, holding my wings still and close to me so I can turn and peck him on the lips. "I couldn't help it."

"It's okay, baby. I know." He steps right up close and kisses me passionatly.

My wings droop as I relax into him and melt into his kiss.

"I think we should go home now. Get some sleep before the sun raises." Peter mumbles softly as he pulls away.

"Okay." My wings retreat and I reach around without even realizing to scratch.

Peter scratchs it for me gently before picking up my shirt from off the ground and helping me back into it.

"Thank you again." I say as he pulls on his mask. "I think I needed this."

"Anytime." He answers as I loop my arms around his neck.

Spiders And Stars // Peter Parker/Spider-Man FanficWhere stories live. Discover now