Chapter 11

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"How did you know what it was?" Peter asks once we get back to the bridge.

I shurg. "Looked like the one in the Percy Jackson movie. Except bigger and more... shape-shifty."

"And you assumed that was what it was?"

I nod with a bit of a stupid smirk. "Yeah. And it worked."

After that, Peter takes me to meet some old friends of his from school. This was his last year of school, and so he tells his aunt that he's been furthering his education with Stark Industries.

They're really cool. And I really get along well with MJ and her somewhat crued sense of humour.

"Hey, did you hear bout the new superhero!?" Ned; a pudgy looking kid with asian-ish eyes squeeks excitedly. "She's soo cool! And she looks amazing."

"Yeah, she's pretty cool." Peter replies, glancing at me.

"I wonder if her wings are real..." Ned mumbles.

"Hey, Aster, right?" MJ draws my attention to her. "How about we run across the street and grab something from the caffé real quick while those two are gawking over the new, super-hot super-heroine. That -might I remind- they've only seen half of her face."

I try to hide a blush and nod. "Um... sure."

She loops her arm in mine, surprising me as she guides me out of the comic store and into the streets.

"Gah, way too much testostorone in there. All the boys around the city are fawning over this new girl." MJ sighs.

I can't help but giggle at that. "Worse than the girls do over Spider-man?"

We cross the road once the traffic stops.

"Well, I'm not sure. But now I know how the guys feel when all the girls talk about him." She shrugs. "As if every one of them has a chance with him. Like dude, there's one of him and thousands of us in this city."

"Hey, you never know, maybe he's into that sort of thing."

The two of us burst out laughing at the comment.

I get myself a chai tea while MJ gets herself some sort of coffee before we return.

"I wonder who this girl is anyway. Like, where the hell did she come from?" She asks as she pushes the door open to the comic store.

"Yeah, I'm dying to know too." I mutter.

Peter and Ned glance back at us when they hear us. Ned's eyes are sparkling as if he's about to burst and he's staring at me.

"Um..." I clear my throat, glancing between a now embaressed looking Peter and an awe-stricken Ned. "Is there something we missed?"

"N-no! Nothing at all!" Peter covers and MJ rolls her eyes.

"You're a terrible liar. Not like I care. Ned's probably just crushing on you." MJ nudges me on the shoulder.

"Mmhmm, sure." I roll my eyes now, smirking at MJ. "Maybe I'm not into guys."

"Are you saying you're into girls?" MJ claps-back.

I crinkle my nose mischieviously. "Depends who's trying to hit on me."

I make her laugh hard again.

"Oh, gosh. We gotta hang out more." She huffs, catching her breath. "Here, what's your number?"

I just dig my cell out from my pocket and hand it to her, telling her to put the number in mine.

It's funny. My cellphone made it through the blast with me practically unscathed; but all the memory had been cleared.

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