Chapter 57

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Once the pain's at a manageable level, they let me go back to Queens.

And almost a week after, I get another lucid dream.

I'm walking around in the remains of a building that's collapsed. Red and black ash float down around us and it smells like some sort of gas-fire.

I'm searching the rubble. Peter and I were too late, and now we're trying to find anyone left that's alive.

"Hi, sweetheart." A woman says from behind me. "It's a shame that all these people had to die just to get your attention."

"Aster! Come on, we gotta go!" I wake up and crash to the floor off of Peter's bottom bunk, not realizing how close to the edge I was when I went to roll to see who was there.

"Oh! Aster!" Peter crawls out of bed too and  helps me up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright." I try a smile, but the fleeting memorie of the dream lingers for a moment and I try to memorize it.

I look down at myself. I'm still fully dress and the sun's still up. I must've fell asleep while watching Peter play with his rubics cube and a couple other hands-on brain-puzzels.

"What time is it?" I ask, leaning into him for a moment.

He checks his watch. "Around five. You only slept like an hour."

"Well, that's an hour more for night-partol tonight." I smile.

He grins. "Alright. MJ's not very good at waiting, so I think you should get going. But text me when you're done and we'll go out."

"Okay." I smile, letting go of him.

I got a pair of regular biking gloves to hide the glow in public and slip them on while leaving Peter's room.

I was able to cling to only a couple things in the dream and I sure as hell don't want to forget them so I write them on the notepad in my new phone.

MJ grabs me by the arm as soon as she sees me.

"What took you soo long? You two weren't doing the nasty, were you?" She asks, pulling me from the apartment.

I giggle. "No! Even worse! You woke me from a nap!"

"Awe, in that case I'm sorry." She fakes an apologetic frown. "Let me guess, Peter bored you to sleep?"

I start to laugh again. "You do remember Peter's also S-M right?" I ask, using the abreviated term so no one overhears.

"Yeah, but I like to think they're still different people. I mean, Peter's meh but Spidey's like 'woah.'"

I smirk, finding something to tease MJ with all this time. "Oh, MJ. Don't tell me you think Spider-man's hot."

"Just Spider-man. The other guy... not so much." She blushes hotly.

"But they're the same person!"

"I know!" She replies keeping her voice down. "But you're only dating Peter. Not Spidey."

"Fair point. But Spidey still flirts with me."

"Gah! Why do you have to ruin it?" She huffs with a fake pout.

"It's too bad. If Peter didn't know you knew his secret, I'd tell you to go hit on Spidey."

"You're evil." She laughs, pushing the door open to the secret interview area.

"But you like it." I add.

She nods. "That's exactly why we're friends."

I wait by the door while MJ heads down with an escort to see the interviewer. Today's the day she pitchs herself to Stark Industries and she specifically asked to have a one-on-one interview with a real person. Instead of some online, video chat type interview.

They admired the fact that she placed her request; knowing they coulda refused the whole job over it. So they sent someone here.

While I'm waiting, I try to remember more about the dream. But it's gone from my memories.

An hour passes before Michelle gets back. She looks confident in herself, but not overly; knowing full well they can decide she's not good enough.

On the way back to the apartment, she gets a call and nearly looses her calm façade.

"I'm in." She says in shock. "I got it. I'm in."

"At Stark's?" I ask for clearification.

"No, I meant at the jerk-commity on fifth." She snaps sarcastically. "Yes, at Stark's."

"Awe, that's pretty sad. You woulda fit right in."

She punchs me in the shoulder as we just about run back so she can tell Peter.

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