Chapter 23: Don't Give Up

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Don't Give Up

It was dark already by the time they made it back home, the wind cold and clouds heavy with rain, lightning striking occasionally in the distance. They hadn't told anyone they'd be coming back, choosing instead to surprise their friends and family.

The flights back had been quiet, more so than their flight to the Republic of Pedokia. Izuku didn't want to talk to his friends, his heart was heavy, and he constantly had to take deep breaths to force back tears.

He had imagined that he'd be coming back home with his parents in tow. He had imagined Inko's look of pure joy at seeing them all together, the relief on her face at seeing that Gon and Killua were okay.

He had imagined introducing his parents to all his friends, to All Might, Aizawa and Eri. He had imagine just living happily with them both, as if they hadn't missed sixteen years of his life.

He sees now how naive the idea had been. How could he possibly even consider living happily with them? What about Inko? Wouldn't she feel betrayed if he suddenly pushed her away in favour of his birth mother?

Where would they even stay? They couldn't live with him and Inko; their apartment was barely big enough for the two of them, much less four people. Izuku grit his teeth, he had been so foolish.

"Deku?" Ochaco asked softly, breaking the silence.
They were all stood a ways away from the airport entrance, mostly just staring at each other, unsure what to do now.

Izuku turned to face them, not even bothering to plaster on a fake smile.
"Thanks for coming with me guys," he spoke quietly.
"Don't be upset, man, I'm sure that whenever they're done with their business, they'll come find you!" Denki said optimistically.

Izuku bit his lower lip, shaking his head. "This was a complete waste of time," he stated.
"Don't say that," Eijirou urged.
Izuku could feel tears welling up again.

"I should have just ignored it; ignored them and their wishes," he explained.
"Damn it, Deku, this isn't anyone's fault!" Katsuki shouted.
"I should never have left to find them! I, I should have stayed here and worked on my hero career. We left for months, and what do we have to show for it?! Nothing!" Izuku yelled, tears falling down his cheeks.

"It isn't nothing!" Katsuki disagreed. "You found out more about them! They aren't just some vague silhouettes of people you knew briefly anymore!"

"What did I find out, Kacchan?!" Izuku screamed, eyes connecting with Katsuki's. "That my father is an absolute nut job who can't let go of the past, because he hurt the people he love so much he just can't?!"

"I found out that my mother is a professional killer who took the lives of who knows how many people out of fear!? With a family so fucking crazy they poison and abuse their own children because they were raised the same way?! Who wants to know these things about their parents, Kacchan?!" Deku's voice rang around them as he furiously wiped at his eyes and cheeks.

"You found out that your parents love you so much they're willing to put themselves through absolute hell just to make sure you're safe. That they love you and care about you so fucking much they're out there, fighting against man eating human-ant hybrids just so that they can come home to you again," Katsuki stated, voice rough with emotion.

None of them acknowledged the fact that they were all crying, because they had set out on a world changing adventure, expecting joy and happiness at the end, but what they really got was broken bones, bruises, heavy hearts and conscience as the reality of just how cruel the world is crashed down on them.

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