Chapter 25: Perfect Fit

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Perfect Fit

Izuku woke up, surrounded by warmth and the scent of his mother. His eyes fluttered open, taking a deep breath as he nuzzled further into Killua's chest.

Killua was wrapped around him, fast asleep, one arm underneath Izuku, hugging the teen to himself, pale legs tangled together with Gon's. Izuku had one arm hugging his mother's waist, the other pulled up to his chest.

Gon was laying closest to the door, a sign of protection, his front pressed as closely as he possibly could to Killua's back, his left arm hugging his omega's waist, the other underneath his head. Killua had his free arm on top of Gon's, fingers intertwined.

Izuku could feel Kacchan sleeping behind him, squished between himself and the wall, his back pressed against Izuku's. Deku shifted a bit, turning his head to get a good look at Kacchan.

He was curled up, arms hugging himself as he slept. Izuku couldn't see his face from this position; he just hoped the blond was comfortable. He turned his head back around to gaze up at Killua's sleeping face.

He looked peaceful, or well, as peaceful as he could with the dark bruises on his face. Izuku squinted. They actually looked a lighter shade than the previous night.

He noticed a faint scar in the middle of his forehead, his bangs swept to the side and falling on the pillow. The cut above his brow seemed to be healing quite nicely, and quickly, too.

Izuku raised his head up off the bed to look at Gon. The bruises around his nose were near invisible on his tan skin, however, the dark circles were still quite prominent. His split lip was already healed.

Izuku frowned. Why did they heal so quickly? It was a little weird, really. Killua adjusted in his sleep, grunting in discomfort as too much pressure was applied to his ribs.

Maybe he could ask Aizawa if he could bring them to UA and have Recovery Girl heal them? He could introduce them to Eri! Then he'd get to visit her again, too! He hadn't seen her since graduation.

Maybe he could bring her a candy apple? That was a good idea! Feeling a little giddy, Izuku attempted to shuffle out of Killua's grasp. The omega grunted and tightened his hold, bodily pulling Izuku towards himself.

The omega was surprisingly very strong. Izuku struggled a bit, but stopped as Killua started to stir, a frown on his brow. Gon inhaled deeply and loudly then, pulling his arm from under his head, worming it underneath Killua to hug him with both arms.

The omega let out a sleepy hum as he was pulled closer to Gon's warm chest, releasing his hold on Izuku and turning over on his other side to nuzzle into Gon's chest. Their legs able to better entangle this way; Gon nuzzled his nose into Killua's hair, breathing his scent in deeply.

Izuku watched this with a fond smile before yawning silently, stretching his limbs and back. He stared up at the ceiling for a moment, turning his head to look at the back of Kacchan's head.

Turning onto his side, Izuku pressed himself against his mate's back, nosing at the back of his neck. Katsuki sighed as he shifted a bit, body relaxing further as he breathed deeply.

Izuku wrapped his arms around Kacchan, pressing a kiss to his neck before settling in, eyes drooping at the familiar scent and warmth of his mate.

Izuku just lay there for a long time, eyes closed as he relaxed, hugging Kacchan tightly. Eventually, Izuku could hear his friends up and about in the apartment, sighing softly against Katsuki's skin.

Most of them had passed out on the sofas as they stayed up talking with Gon and Killua passed midnight. There hadn't been any specific topics, just funny stories of when the two adults were children, or things that happened back at UA.

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