Start Again

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"Yang... I'm not sure if I'm ready for this."

The blonde turned towards her sister. "Well, you should try tonight. She's already on her way."

"I know, I'm just..." Ruby hesitated, looking down at the skirt she was wearing. "I'm scared that I won't be good enough..."

Yang felt something fill her stomach, burning through until she was ready to strangle a certain white haired bitch.

"It'll be great." She assured, rubbing Ruby's shoulders. "Don't worry so much. You already know it'll be great."

"I get what you're saying. She likes me. But what if she decides she doesn't..?"

"Then we'll break her legs." Yang told her, a smirk crossing her face. "It'll be fun either way."

Ruby shook her head slowly, laughing at her sister. "You're the worst sometimes."

"And yet, you love me." She shot back.

A knock came at the door, Ruby's spine going straight as she turned towards it.

"I-I'm under dressed."

"No you're not."

"I should put more deodorant on."

"You've got too much as is."

"What abo~"

"Shut up and listen to me." Yang interrupted. "Just get out there. At the very least it's a free meal."

The girl nodded to herself, preparing mentally for the night ahead and she stepped towards the door and opened it.

"Hey there!" Neon chimed, standing in the doorway in a pastel blue dress. "You look so pretty!!"

"T-thank you..." Ruby stuttered, not entirely sure how to do this.

The ginger grabbed her hand, pulling her along and towards the elevator. "I'm so glad you gave me the chance, I'm really excited right now!"

"I can't tell." The brunette laughed, struggling to keep up until they made it in. "Just breathe."

"Right, right. Breathing." Neon laughed. "That's a thing."

Ruby giggle slightly at the girl and Neon froze in place. After a second of shock, she pulled Ruby into a tight hug.

"You are just so cute, I could eat you up!!"

"Maybe later." Ruby laughed, and instantly going red. "I-I mean, not to say that we're gonna be doing that later, but I just, you know it slipped and~." The brunette rubbed her temple for a moment. "You're very pretty, but I'm not sure I'm really there, and I just went through a bad break up, and it's not that I don't want you, just that I don't feel good doing that so soon after and~."

Neon kissed the girl, gentle and passionate, full of energy yet controlled.

The ginger pulled away and smiled softly. "I get it. I'm fine with waiting until you feel safe with me."

Ruby blinked, shocked before suddenly getting emotional. "You're so nice to me..." She whispered before pulling her into a hug and crying on her shoulder.

Neon rubbed circles onto the girls back, kissing her neck and shoulder comfortingly, reassuringly, reminding her someone was there.

"You're so nice to me..."

"Kinda my job, babe." Neon laughed.

Ruby pulled back slightly, looking at her feet in front of her. "So does this mean that we're... dating?"

"Well, we're going on a date, so there's that." The girl pointed out. "But if you mean girlfriend-girlfriend dating, that's up to you."

The girl with red tips thought for a moment before replying. "I'll give you an answer by the end of this date."

The ginger grinned brightly. "That's cool! I can wait."

Ruby looked at the girl and thought that maybe this was ok, that maybe she could make it work.

"So what are we gonna do tonight?" She finally asked.

Neon smirked. "Well I have a few things in mind, but I wanted to ask if you had anything special you wanted to do, ya know?"

"Well..." Ruby thought for a moment. "Somewhere with milk?"

"Chocolate or strawberry?"

The brunette laughed, leaning over to kiss Neon again. "Jeez, you're the best."

"Of course I am, I'm great." The girl joked, guiding Ruby out of the elevator and outside before they started walking the street.

The brunette looked around until her eyes locked on a familiar skyscraper. "C-could you go a street or two over..?"

Neon raised a brow at her. "Why? Something wrong with this road?"

"I-I just don't~ I cant walk down this way..."

She looked to where Ruby's eyes were lock, frowning at the massive shining building. "So did she work there or..?"


"Then we'll go a different way." She decided, turning them down another street. "I'm fine with avoiding anything Schnee."

Ruby let out the air she was holding as they moved away. "What do you mean?"

"The Schnee family bought up a bunch of land in Menagerie where I lived when I was little." She hissed. "The place is unlivable now because of the mining in the area."

The brunette frowned, gently taking Neon's hand in her own. "I'm so sorry... I didn't realize that you had to go through that."

The ginger threw a soft smile. "Well, we moved before it got too bad, but... it still hurts to know that I'll never be able to go back."

Ruby nodded, turning slightly to look towards the tower as they walked away.

"I know what you mean... I really do."

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