Chapter 7: Help Me

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Saturday, December 22, 2018. 9:30PM

It was night when I left the cemetery, I walk through the empty and lonely streets when I see a man a few meters away. I start having a bad feeling, so I try to take shortcuts, serious error.

The man begins to approach me quickly and then with the heart beating fast and the nerves on top, I start to run as fast as I can, but I do not have much strength so I start to slow down.

The hooded man takes advantage of my weakness and pounces on me.

-Where do you think you're going, beautiful? says the man holding my hands, leaving me motionless.

-HELP ME! -I say screaming.

-Shh shut up, if you scream again I'll have to hurt you -he says rubbing a finger through my lips.

Help me, please

I try to move but it is impossible.

-Get out of me! Pl... -a pain in my cheek makes me scream in pain, the man just hit me and I feel an unbearable burning. At that moment he is looking for something in his pocket and I take advantage of his tear to push him.

I try to get up and run but the man has a knife in his hand and scratches my arm. I feel the blood running down my arm. He puts me behind his back and scratches me with the knife on my shoulder.

Please, no

-Hey! Let her go, idiot! -a boy quickly approaches us with fury in his eyes.

The hooded man lets go and throws me to the ground. And he runs away.

-Can you stand up? -he says when he approaches me.

-I can, don't worry.

-You are bleeding a lot, I have a medicine cabinet, you can wait for me while I look for it.

-No, it's okay. I just want to go home. Mmm ... do you have a cell phone?

-Sure -He takes the cell phone out of his pocket and extends it to me. I mark my grandmother's number, after three rings she does not answer. So, I only have one option: call Dylan.

At the second ring answer


-H-hey -the knot in my throat makes it almost impossible to say anything

-Who speaks?

-It's...Skyler- my voice breaks, tears falling from my eyes, again. – I-I...

-Skyler? Are you okay? Are you crying?

-No, well, yes ... I ...

-Skyler, tell me what's wrong? - his voice sounds very worried.

I can't talk, just cry.

the boy takes his cell phone from me -Hello, the girl was attacked and wounded, she is bleeding on one arm and shoulder ...

End the call and look at me worried.

-Thank you...


-Skyler, thanks Xanthe -I say with a forced smile

-It's okay, he will come in a few minutes. Just breathe and try to calm down.

I just want to be safe

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