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Everyone was happy, everything was changing, and everyone was getting the life they wanted, everyone accept for one individual.


He sat there, staring off into the distance of what seemed like a totally imperfect world, he frowned. Fixing his hair, it was a mess after Nolan put him in the washing machine.

Lou was surprisingly sad, all his life he was stuck, and trapped. He wanted to feel more than the affection he once had, he wanted to feel love. The love someone would feel when they meet their match.

But he could never leave to experience that.

Lou frowned, staring at the ground. He looked at his torn up suit, he needed to change, he removed his suit jacket and threw it away, rolling up his shirt sleeves.

He groaned, walking off to his abandoned house, a figure noticed from a far-ish distance. They decided to follow Lou.

Lou entered his house eventually, and looked around, seeing himself everywhere. He looked away and walked to his room, he approached the window, looking at his reflection, his hair was starting to get back into place, he fixed it more, and sighed.

Lou then Turned to his closet, and went through his suits. He picked out one that was identical to his ruined one.

He changed into it. He then laid back on his bed, "Wow I feel terrible. Why did I just do all that?" He looked at the ceiling, which coincidentally had a painting of himself on its surface.

"Man.. Nobody will ever want to see me ever again. Guess I'm just gonna have to isolate myself forever."

He then heard the doorbell ring, he shot up out of his bed, "Ugh.. someones probably here to make me feel bad about myself.. like that totally hasn't happened already.." he made his way down the stairs frustrated.

Lou opened the door, staring at the figure with a gold sign hanging from his shoulders.

"Nolan—? What are you doing here?" Lou asked.

"I noticed how you looked sad.. and I wanted to check on you."

"Why though?"

"I mean.. you seem lonely. And loneliness sucks.."

"Oh I know.." Lou whispered and rubbed the back of his neck.

"What was that?" He tilted his head.

"It's nothing Nolan-" he tried to stop looking like he was totally bummed out.

"Oh.. okay.." he nods.

"You do realize you're welcome to come join us." Nolan replied.

"Nolan. Everyone hates me now.. I made a fool out of myself.. they saw me hurt a fake child.. they'd never let me come back.."

"I'm sure they would."

"T-They won't.."

Nolan frowned, "Sorry about what happened to you.. I'll just go now.." he turned away.

Lou watched him leave, he bit his lip, "Wait-!"

Nolan turned back around, "Yes Lou..?"

The two looked at each other,

"Do you hate me?"

"Of course not..."

"Why ? After everything I've done, and said to you, how do you not hate me?"

"Well Lou.. that's what forgiving and forgetting is."

"I'm sorry Nolan." Lou apologized.

"Apology accepted." He smiled.

Lou looked at him, and sighed.

"Well if you ever wanna come visit, I'll be waiting." Nolan waved goodbye as he left.

Lou waved back, shutting the door, he sat by the wall, shaking a bit, "so that's what a sincere apology feels like huh.." he muttered to himself.

Lou sat there.

"That's it.. I'm going to apologize.. to everyone."

The Ugliest Truth [UglyDolls fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now