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Jisung POV

I was terrified of Minho. Everything about him just makes me fear for my life and every giggle would send shivers down my spine. I honestly didn't know what to think so I just stayed silent mumbling a small "Okay" to him, letting Minho know that I wont try and put against him.

"Minho will go and get Hannie some water to drink. Hannie must be thirsty~"
And with that Minho sprinted out of the room to get me some water I guess.

The thing about Minho is that he seems innocent. It's obviusly some sort of manipulation technique in my opinion, but who knows. Maybe under all that craziness is a sweetheart afterall.

I knew that I could no way in hell trust Minho. There is plenty of reasons why that is. He is obviusly fucked up in the head, kidnapping me and talking in third person for fucks sake.

But there was one thing that I kept thinking about, and it was the fact that this lunatic was in love with me after seeing me only once, not even having a real converstation with me. The idea of someone actually caring about me and loving me felt great, even though this was not the way I planned to be loved. Not at all.

I don't know how fucking desperate I am but the thought of living with that psycho named Minho doesn't even seem that bad. I mean.. I would get the love that I have been craving for since mom left me all alone with my dad.

And Minho being a little messed up in the head doesn't mean anything big right..? I mean we are all fucked up in one way or another. I myself am quite fucked up in the head.

I couldn't help but think about what made Minho act the way he is acting. Every psychopath has their own life story that makes them the way they are. Maybe this was the first time that Minho had experienced any type of love or feelings for another person, and didn't know how to cope with it.

I decided that I should just try my best and act friendly towards Minho, so that he would eventually let me go. Maybe I could get to know him better..? No way. I'm going insane. Right now all I could do was wait for Minho.

Minho POV

I sprinted out of the room to my kitchen leaving my precious Hannie all alone, which made me feel bad. I didn't want to leave his side. Ever.

I had a hard time catching my breath after everything that just went down. Hannie looked so good while being angry and it felt like my body was made out of jelly. Hannie is making me feel so many different things..

I started thinking about him. His eyes, nose, those veiny hands of his, his neck and the best of all, his lips.
It was hard to control myself around him. I just wanted to hop on his lap and taste his lips. I felt my body heating up at the thought of his lips on mine. I started sweating and my breathing wasn't steady. At this point I was sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall. I wanted him so bad.

I was on the floor for maybe 10 minutes only thinking about my Hannie and how his voice is so soothing and lovely. I could listen to him talk all day. I was already missing my Hannie so I got up and put some water in a glass and went back to the basement were Hannie was. I opened the door to see Hannie staring right back at me.
We stared at each others eyes for a moment and my head was spinning at the sight of him.
"Hannie~ Minho brought your water. Drink well!" I untied his hands so that he could drink.
"T-Thank you.." He said and took the glass of water out of my hands, his fingers brushing slightly on mine. My legs started shaking at the contact and hearing his voice again made me feel even crazier. I was craving for his touch. I almost had another breakdown thinking about my Hannie, but I quickly forgot about it. I didn't want to show that side of me to Hannie yet.

"Hannie can't go even though Minho let his hands free. Minho of course trusts Hannie and believes that he wont leave Minho all alone."

"Of course not, Minho." Jisung said and smiled at me.


Word count: 774

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