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Jisung POV

"That would be 3,20" The customer handed me the money before saying a small 'thank you' and leaving.

As weird as it sounds, I really enjoyed working as a barista. It was nice to see new faces every day, and the café itself had a calm, soothing feeling to it, making it comfortable to spend the majority of the day there.

Every now and then I would just look at the door and remember the day when Minho first came here. Yes, even two years later I still thought about the said male.

I mean how can I not? He had effected my life in a much bigger way than I would've expected. Both good and bad ways.

The way he had acted towards me had left me in all honesty traumatized, so getting back to a healthy mindset took alot of therapy sessions. But, right now I did feel alright. Everything seemed to go the way I wanted, as I had learned how to look at everything from a more positive angle. This obviously had changed my perspective on everything around me, and I honestly felt great.

I had learned how to just accept certain things that happen in life, and just let them happen rather than feeling sad about them. For example, before my dad would be the reason for my depressing mindset, but now I made the choice to cut him out of my life.

I actually stepped up for myself, and now I'm happier than ever.

When it comes to Minho, I think about him alot. I wouldn't say that I miss him, but he did fill a part of my life that I missed. I would sometimes just suddenly remember what his gentle touches felt like on my skin, his warm hugs, but mostly I would remember how his lips felt on mine.

I missed the affection that he gave, the sweet words of nothingness that he would whisper to me.

Though, I knew deep in my heart that I did the right thing by escaping. Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone new since then, mostly because of how scared I was of getting into a relationship after what I experienced.

I still haven't told anyone about what happened with Minho, or that I got kidnapped by him. I didn't find it necessary, as I had learned how to overcome everything by myself.

I let out a sigh, starting to slowly feel exhausted after the tiring day. The café was empty, as it would close in about seven minutes. Though, even in the short time of these last minutes, someone could still enter, so even if closing the shop earlier sounded tempting, I could wait.

Even all the other workers there left, so I felt a bit lonely.

I was soon bringed back to reality, when I heard the door open. I put on the same, somewhat forced smile like with every other customer, though that smile was long gone when I saw who entered, replaced with shock.


I asked hesitantly, though I already knew that it was him. It felt like I couldn't breathe all over again, as I had feared for this moment ever since I escaped.
He didn't look a day older, which made the situation even more surreal, as I started remembering certain memories I had with him.

I swallowed my tears and tried my best to stay strong, all though he probably already noticed my shaky hands. The most dominant thing I felt in that moment was fear.

I was so scared that maybe he came to kidnap me again, or just hurt me, punish me for leaving in the first place.

"Hey, Hannie." He greeted with a smile. His smile wasn't creeping me out like before, but it looked rather sad. His eyes held a certain kindness, making me relax in my place a bit.

"So, you still work here?" I don't know if him acting all casual was making me feel at ease, or if it was making me scared even more than what his usual self would.

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