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Jisung POV

Me and Minho had stayed like this for some time now. He holding me in his tight and warm embrace, while I cried my eyes out. It was dumb of me to cry. It made me feel weak, when I should've stayed strong and not let Minho take control of the situation. Instead of me being strong, I was crying in the arms of my kidnapper and finding odd comfort in him.

Minho slowly let go of my body, me doing the same. Minho looked up at me, making eye contact. He started gently wiping my tears away with his thumbs, neither of us speaking a word and still making eye contact.

My heart was beating so fast and loud. I wondered if he heard it, because I sure did. I wasn't even sure anymore why I was crying or why my heart beat so fast in these situations. Maybe it was him being so close, maybe it was me being scared to grow feelings towards him. Either way I couldn't stop crying.

I was so, so afraid.

Afraid of Minho and afraid of this whole situation. It was scary that someone cared about me, but it also felt really great. I could honestly get used to showing my vulnerable side, just for Minho to comfort me and make me feel better. Again, just having a thought like that made me cry louder. I was so scared to stay in this place any longer. I wanted to leave.

I was having a war inside my head between being okay with this situation and getting the fuck out of here.

On the other hand I'm okay with staying, because I loved the feeling of being loved. It felt some what foreign, but also great. I was also getting already used to this room and the scent of it.
But on the other hand, Minho was creepy as fuck and mentally unstable. There was a chance that he would snap any moment and murder me or something. I also have a future outside of this place.

But who cares if I get murdered? I wouldn't mind. At the end of the day, nothing mattered, and if getting killed is what it costs to get some love..I'm willing to give it a go.

I was getting so tired of my thoughts. Crying didn't help either, it made me even more sleepy.

"Minho sees that Hannie is getting tired", Minho spoke, still wiping some tears escaping my eyes.
"Hannie needs a place to sleep in. Don't worry Hannie~ Minho will bring you a mattress and some fluffy blankets!" Minho said smiling and looking excited.
Minho got up and left the room, having a little bounce in each step he took while giggling and then closing the door behind him.

Even though I was tired and felt like completely collapsing any second now, I got up and walked to the door.
I put my hand on the door knob and attempted to open it, but it was locked. Of course It's locked, I don't think Minho would've been that dumb to leave it open.
Even though he claimed to trust me.

I sat back down on the chair for a moment, feeling tired, dizzy and still somewhat frustraded. This was all alot to take in. I'm actually spending the night in the same house as that lunatic.

I was about to fall asleep while sitting on the chair, still sniffling, when I heard a click on the door. Minho seemed to struggle with holding the mattress, two blankets and three pillows. I could have just pushed past Minho and run to my freedom, but I knew that it would've not been that easy. I bet that every window and door outside this room is locked and Minho probably would have ran after me and catch me, considering the condition I was in.

I also didn't want to face the consequences of trying to escape.

Instead of trying to escape, I went and helped Minho to carry the stuff into the room. I thought that it was nice of him to give me an actually comfortable place to sleep in. I took the blankets and pillows, so that Minho could carry the mattress.

"Hannie is such a gentleman~" Minho said while blushing and letting out a small giggle afterwards. I just gave him a sad smile in response.

Minho put the mattress in the corner of the room next to the wall and then I threw the blankets and pillows on the mattress. After that I got on the mattress myself and put the covers over my body. The room was somewhat warm, but having a blanket over me felt safer. I only had one pillow under my head seeing that it's enough for me, even though Minho had brought three of them.

It was so comfy that I almost forgot about even being kidnapped. It almost felt like sleeping in my own bed. Now that I thought about it, the rooms scent felt also like home. It had that familiar and calming reek in it.

"Goodnight Hannie~~ Minho will go and sleep in his own room", Minho informed me. I just nodded mumbling a small goodnight to him, which he replied with a smile.
Minho then left the room and locked the door behind him.

I just stared at the ceiling, still wondering what had happened today. Why out of all the people I had to be the one that Minho fell in love with?

My eyes felt sore and my cheeks were still a little wet after all the crying, and I was very tired. I decided that I would question Minho tomorrow and worry about everything later, but now all I wanted to do was sleep.

I closed my eyes, thinking about Minho and everything he had told me today, slowly falling asleep while hugging a pillow and letting out quiet sobs.


Word count: 1005

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