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Jisung POV

We had watched the comedy for awhile now, but I didn't pay much attention to it, my mind being somewhere else. I would hear Minho laugh from time to time at the comedy when something funny happened and everytime he did, I smiled. Everything felt right. Everything was okay.

Minho got closer to me and put his head on my shoulder. I tensed up for a moment from the contact, but I relaxed in seconds. I didn't really mind Minho being that close to me. It felt alright.

I tried my best to just look at the tv, but after some time I looked to Minhos direction, just to see him already looking at me. I flinched a little seeing his intense stare, but I still didn't do anything. I just stared back.
We looked at each others eyes for a moment, seeing every galaxy that his eyes hid, his own world, his universe.

I gave Minho a small smile and turned back to the tv, still smiling a little bit. Now that I thought about it, I didn't smile very often, but right now I felt happy to be in this house, to be with him. Minho buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel that his face was hot from probably blushing. He gripped onto my white t-shirt while giggling a little bit. His giggles hit my neck with hot breaths and it gave me goosebumps. The contact wasn't unpleasant and his giggles didn't scare me anymore. Instead, I just blushed and playded with my fingers.

"Minho?" I asked. "Yes, Hannie?" He answered. "Do you...do you really love me?" I tried my best to avoid Minhos gaze on me. I don't know why I asked. It was just a scary thought that I had, since I feel like no one truly loves me. What if Minho lied about loving me?
It would be wrong in every sense of the word. I gave Minho a chance based on only the fact that he loves me.

I love the feeling of being loved. It gave me comfort and a sence of feeling worthy. Minho gave me that feeling of comfort, I felt save in his arms. I often feel like the world tried everything just to break me down, but it felt like he was my chance of escaping the dark and scary reality . He was my chance to experience true happiness.

"Of course Minho does!" He smiled at me showing his teeth. My heart felt warm from his words and the sun has nothing against his bright smile. Even though he said that, I still felt insecure.
"But..what do you even like about me? I'm not anything special. I mean..that's what everyone says to me.." I took my eyes off of Minho and looked at my lap. My eyes were a little teary now for some reason. "You don't even know me, Minho."

"Hannie.." He looked at me sadly. His smile was gone and he put his hand on my back to draw invisible circles. It somewhat calmed me down, but there were still tears daring to escape my eyes. Everything felt so fucked up all of a sudden. I knew that feeling anything towards Minho would be seen as wrong. It kind of was wrong to enjoy the company of your kidnapper, but it's all I have.

"Hannie is perfect in every aspect in Minhos eyes." He started.
"There is something so different yet familiar about Hannie, and it makes Minho feel things he has never felt before, feelings that he thought he would never need or be able to feel, but Minho was wrong. Those feelings make him feel alive and having Hannie by his side is all that matters. Minho wants these feelings to stay. Minho feels empty without his Hannie and that's why he loves him."

I just looked at Minho with wide eyes, while he grinned at me cutely, showing his teeth again and giggled a little bit. It was odd how the things Minho said were almost the same as what I felt towards him. The only big difference was that Minho descrided it as love. With me it was just having someone to care for and someone who would care about me. I wouldn't in no way say that I love Minho, not yet anyways.

I started crying again and hugged Minho tightly. I honestly felt really grateful for him. The words he told me had truly moved me and made my heart feel warm and soft.
"T-Thank you M-Minho for saying t-that", I tried to speak while sobbing and leaving wet spots on Minhos shirt. He pulled me closer and hugged me back while stroking my hair. It made me calm down a little.

"Thank you f-for loving someone l-like me and caring about m-me..Thank you for being k-kind to me. Thank you, Minho" I said to him with sincerity.

"No problem Hannie..Anything for Minhos precious angel" He said and this time stroked my back while laughing lightly. We hugged for some time. I could honestly fall asleep in his protective arms. It was amazing to feel worthy enough.
"Is Hannie sleepy?" He asked. I just nodded in response.
"Okay. Minho and Hannie can lie down here." Again, I just nodded while Minho went down and laid on his back, still holding me. Minho had his arms around my torso and I just laid on top of him in his embrace. "Sleep well my love~", He said and closed his eyes. I blushed at his words and closed my eyes as well, using his chest as a pillow.

I felt better than I'd ever felt before.
Minho started singing to calm me down and make me sleep faster, which worked. I started to get sleepier while listening to his beautiful singing voice.

My eyes started to feel heavier and I fell asleep safe and sound while Minho held me.


Word count: 1021

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