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Jisung POV

It finally happened. I was strong enough to admit that I love him. I love Minho, and that's that.

I was panicking a little on the inside.I of course didn't show it to Minho. Instead I just kept smiling at him, which he responded with his attractive grin. It was so wrong to fall in love with your kidnapper, but I just couldn't help it. In my eyes, his imperfections were the things that made him perfect.

I don't know what got into me. In one movement I pushed Minho off of me and hovered above him. He looked shocked and his whole face was red from blushing. I kept my hands on both sides of his head as we just stared into each others eyes once again.

I just never got tired of looking at his features. He honestly looked so handsome. The best part about his face was definetly his smile. It was something that made me instantly smile too. It was brighter than the sun.

I gulped as I looked at him. I knew that I was clearly the dominant one in that moment, but only looking at him made me shy and nervous. Now it was my turn to blush as I wasn't sure what to do or if it would be okay. I admitted that I like him, but there was still that little voice in my head telling me to stop. He's my kidnapper and this wasn't okay. He was posessive and clearly had problems. He was so messed up, but I guess that's what makes him feel so special and unique to me. He was so different from everything and everyone I had encountered before.

"Is this okay..?" I whispered mainly to myself as I looked deep into his eyes. He just nodded shyly, it was so adorable. I started wondering if this was his first kiss, but honestly in this moment it didn't matter.
My gaze trailed down from his eyes to his lips. 

I got closer to his face as seconds passed. There were still loud voices in my head telling me not to do this. I tried to block them, because I knew in my heart that this is what I wanted. I ignored all the thoughts of what others would think about this and how dad would feel about this.

Our lips finally met when I gathered the courage I needed. His lips were so soft and addicting. I couldn't care less about him being my kidnapper anymore. Who gives a fuck? To me he was a hero. He saved me from my loneliness and accepted me right away the way I was.

Minho put his arms around my neck as he deepened the kiss. I could feel him smile against my lips, which made me smile too. I broke the kiss and looked at the giggling boy underneath me. I couldn't help but smile and blush a little bit at the sight. He was so beautiful. It was crazy how everything in my life  had changed only in a matter of two days. It was all thanks to Minho, and I didn't mind the change at all.
I felt so happy with him. He made me feel like there was a place for me in this planet and that place was right in his embrace.

I was still above him, staring at his face like the weirdo I am. Minho was still giggling, which made him look pure and adorable. I pecked his cheek and went back to my original spot next to him. This all felt so surreal.

Minho put his head back on my chest and his hand on my stomach. We just laid there for awhile, thinking about what had just happened. I didn't regret it at all. Everything felt right.

"I love you."

"Minho loves Hannie too~"

I kept smiling to myself thinking about Minho, as I started to hear soft snores next to me.

I wasn't sure how my life would continue after this. All I knew was that whatever I decided to do, I would do it with Minho by my side. I wasn't planning to just leaving him behind and go back to my shitty life. Only in a matter of days, Minho had already made me feel much better than I had ever felt in my entire life before.

I was so obsessed with him and his personality. I'm not going to let go.

                          ~the end~

Word count: 762


though, if you're satisfied with the book ending this way, then yeah, the end uwu

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