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6 months later...

Jisung POV

I was locked in my room, as Minho had tied me tightly to the chair. Every part of my body ached from staying in the same position for so long. My mouth felt dry and I was hungry.

I had been tied to this chair for a couple of days now. Minho gave me water sometime ago, which I was thankful for. Last time when I didn't behave to his liking I didn't get water at all, which led me to pass out.

It was dumb of me to go and talk with Felix. I just wanted to see an old friend after awhile, but now I know that it was wrong. Minho didn't like it at all that I was talking with my old crush and this was my "punishment".

There were bruises on my face. My wrists hurted from the tight rope around them and I knew that they were going to be bruised too. Minho would come check on me from time to time and ask if I had learned my lesson.

Of course I answered him "yes" everytime and begged him to let me out, but he didn't believe me. It made me feel so bad, that I was the reason he hadn't smiled for awhile. I had gotten used to seeing this side of Minho, but I still didn't enjoy it that much.

I looked down at my bare feet as I started to feel a little sleepy. I thought that maybe sleeping would make the time go by faster, so I gave it a try, but as I was about to close my eyes, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I quickly fixed my gaze to the door, as I waited for none other than Minho to come and check on me.

I heard a clicking sound as the door opened and revealed the most good looking guy I had ever laid my eyes upon. The same guy, that I had fallen deeply in love it, but the same guy, that held me captive and didn't let me talk to other humans.

As his dark eyes met mine, I immediately felt my eyes tearing up. I just wanted the same boy back who cared for me and made me feel special.

"So...Has Hannie finally learned his lesson?" Minho started.
"Yes.. I-I'm so, so sorry for not behaving. I will only pay attention to you from now on. Just.. p-please untie me." I let my tears fall and started sobbing loudly.

Minho finally untied me and as he did that I got up fast, almost falling down. My legs were shaky and my back ached, but I really didn't care. I started crying even louder, unable to control my emotions anymore and turned around to look at Minho.

He was giving me a small smile as he got closer to me and held my chin with his thumb and index finger.
He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and after some time pulled away, wiping my still falling tears away.

"T-Thank you for believing me." I said to him. "No need to cry angel, Minho forgives you." He said and pecked my forehead, which made me giggle.
"Minho loves you, Hannie." He said and looked deep into my eyes, as he smiled at me, showing his teeth. The sight warmed my heart a little, as I just nodded and hugged him tightly.

"Minho..I'm hungry." I mumbled against his neck. Minho chuckled and released me from the hug. He grabbed my hand that fit perfectly into his and headed to our kitchen.

Minho just made me a sandwich and gave me a glass of water. After I was done eating, I told him that I would go to the bathroom and change my clothes. He just nodded in response as I left.
In the bathroom, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't regognize myself anymore.

I was smiling, but it didn't look like me. I knew that this smile wasn't genuine, yet I still convinced myself that it was. I pretended to be happy. There was a bruise on my cheek from last night, yet I was still smiling, pretending that Minho was the reason for my happiness.

After changing my clothes, I took a one last glance at my empty eyes in the mirror and headed to where Minho was. He was sitting on the couch and watching tv. I took a seat on his lap as he put his arms around my still aching body.

"I love you, Minho." I told him half heartedly.
I couldn't even hear an answer as I had already fallen asleep, secretly wishing that I wouldn't have to ever wake up.


Word count: 811

So I decided write a bonus chapter :P

(Mainly because I really like to write, but i dont have any story ideas atm, so i just continued this one a bit further.)

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