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Jisung POV

Minho was making me breakfast, while I just awkwardly sat at the dining table and waited for him to be finished. He was humming an unfamiliar tune and smiled to himself. Minho being like this with me didn't even feel like I was kidnapped in the first place. I mean, everytime Minho didn't say anything weird and was acting like a normal human being, he wasn't scary at all. If he wouldn't talk with me, everything would feel right.

When Minho was done he put the food on the table and everything else like forks and knives, he also poured me water. This actually wasn't that bad. I could get used to him cooking me breakfast every morning and listening to him humming songs. I felt comfortable. After Minho had sat down across me I started eating.

"Wow Minho this is so good", I said not even thinking about it while stuffing food in my mouth. I just hoped that it wasn't poisoned or anything.

"Thank you Hannie!" Minho said while smiling, showing his teeth. Not gonna lie, he looked adorable.
"Oh, did Hannie want to ask Minho some questions?" He asked me while tilting his head to the other side. I started feeling a little nervous.
"Yeah actually.." I started and bit my bottom lip.
"Go ahead Hannie. Ask away!" It was weird how excited he seemed just to answer questions.
"Well.. I was wondering if I could maybe go outside? I mean..You can't keep me here locked forever, right?"
I made eye contact with him. Minho stopped smiling and looked at the ceiling. He seemed deep in thought.

"Well Hannie wouldn't try and leave Minho all alone right?" Minho started.
"If Hannie leaves he must come back to Minho. Maybe Hannie could only leave together with Minho ?"

I was kinda surprised to hear that answer. I thought that he would instantly say "no" and then accuse me of trying to escape. The truth was, I probably would come back. I'm starting to get used to Minhos precense, even though he is still a little bit scary sometimes, but I honestly like it here. It wont be that bad either if he lets me go outside when I want to. I would also finally have company.

"Of course I would come back. I told you that I'm not leaving you anytime soon, right?" I kinda regretted saying that, but it was the truth, I think. If I tried to escape I probably wouldn't be able to go back home, because I don't know where I am. I couldn't call anyone to pick me up either, because I didn't have my phone. I didn't have any money either.

"I was just wondering since I have to still go to work and all that. Oh, that reminds me, where do you work? I mean it's obvious that you are rich."

"Silly Hannie~ Hannie doesn't have to work anymore, Minho got us covered!" He said.
"If Hannie is going to live with Minho, he doesn't have to work anymore~ Minho has plenty of money", Minho grinned at me and let out a small giggle.
"But how do you get money..?" I asked.
"Minhos dad gives him money once a week." He answered.
I decided to just nod in response. I thought that Minhos family isn't any of my business. I'll ask him more another time.
"Thanks Minho.." I looked at my lap, kinda embarrased for some reason. I wasn't sure why I thanked him, but it just felt like I had to. I knew deep down that I was thankful for him loving me. He cared about me and appreaciated me. I was so fucking thankful for that and didn't want to let that feeling what I got from being loved go away. I still told myself, that I thanked him for the food, but it was a lie and I knew it.

When we were done I helped Minho to clean up, even though he insisted that I should just let him do everything.
"So...What now?" I asked. At this moment I didn't feel afraid. I wasn't scared of Minho at all, which is weird, but I just rolled with it.
"Does Hannie want to watch a movie?" Minho asked while smiling and tilting his head. I just nodded.
We went to Minhos couch and sat down. His couch was so comfy and the tv was huge. Everything looked so expensive, that I was scared to sit comfortably. I literally felt like sitting down would ruin the couch.

"Hannie, don't be so stiff and just sit or lay comfortably~ " Minho said and laughed a little. My face was red from either his cute ass laugh or from being embarrassed. Let's just say that it was from embarrassment, I didn't want to admit anything. I nodded and made myself comfortable and so did Minho.

"What does Hannie want to watch?"
He asked me.
"I'm fine with anything honestly." I answered. It was creeping me out how casual we were right now, but I also liked it. I liked it alot.
Minho just shrugged and scrolled through Netflix. It was quiet while he did that, but it wasn't an awkward silence. After some time, he just put on some comedy.

I honestly couldn't focus. I was still thinking alot about everything that was going on. I still didn't like the fact that I was okay with Minhos company and how I've gotten used to him and the way he talks in such a short time. I should be scared, I should be panicking and crying, trying to escape, anything that a normal person would do in this situation, but I wasn't.

I really liked Minho. He cared about me and was honest. He was unique and felt real, unlike the fake people I have met in my life. There was something so different about him that made me curious. Something that didn't want to leave him and figure out everything about him. His eyes held so many tragedies and secrets and I found it so intriguing. The only real problem here was that he is a kidnapper. He kidnapped me.

He being unstable didn't really bother me. Infact, it makes me want to fix him, if that is even possible. I want to make him feel worthy of himself. I'd imagine that he would feel wrong to be himself or that he would've been bullied for being, well, for being Minho, for being himself.

I looked at Minho who was just smiling at the comedy. No matter how I tried to hate him and make excuses, I couldn't. I liked his company, I liked his stunning face, I liked Minho. I honestly don't know what I see him as, but for now I like him as a friend. I kept looking at his face and thought about what has his life been like. I realised that it was probably really fucking bad, worse than mine and that made me feel extremely selfish.

I felt selfish for crying about my "shitty" life, while other people had it way more worse than me. I looked back at the tv screen, still thinking about the one and only, Minho.


Word count: 1221

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