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Minho POV

How can Hannie do this to me? I thought he only loved me...

I was reading the converstation between Hannie and this Felix guy whoever the fuck he was. The way Hannie chuckled and blushed while talking with him made my blood boil. I should be the only one to make my Hannie blush, he is mine afterall.
I don't want Hannie to thirst over other guys. He is mine and I am his, it's not that complicated, but Hannie sure is making this difficult.

After deleting everyones contact from his phone, which suprisingly wasn't many, I walked to the livingroom. I wasn't sure what to do, but I was angry. I was upset that Hannie even thought about other guys aside from me.
He needs to only pay attention to me.

I heard Hannie walk behind me.
"Minho~? Come on why are you being like this? There's seriously nothing going on between us." He said.

Hearing his voice made me feel a bit more calmer. I don't know how, but he just had that effect on me. The way Hannie says my name makes me feel flustered somehow.

"Minho deleted everyones number from Hannies phone." I said while handing the phone back to him.
"W-Why would you do that..?" Hannie asked. He looked pretty shocked.
"Minho doesn't want anything to be between Hannie and Minho~" I smiled at him. I felt proud of what I did.

Hannies hands were kind of shaky as he nodded back at me. He looked at his feet while still holding the phone in his hands. He looked deep in thought.
"Hannie?" I asked. He quickly raised his head up and looked at me. "Y-Yes, Minho?" Hannie looked scared for some reason and it made me feel somewhat bad. Anywho, part of me enjoyed the effect I had on him. I just smirked as I continued.

"Can Minho sleep with Hannie tonight? Minho couldn't sleep that well last night, as he was missing Hannie so much." He looked at me with wide eyes and gulped. Was I that scary?
"I-I guess..." He mumbled back to me in the cutest way ever. I couldn't stay mad at him for more than two minutes. I giggled at his shyness and cuteness.
"Great~ Is Hannie tired?" I asked.
"Not really." I just pouted at his response. It was already 10pm and Hannie needs sleep to stay healthy.
I grabbed his arm and dragged Hannie to his room. I could feel how he was kinda resisting to follow me, but he did it anyways like the good boy he is.

When we were in his room I locked the door behind us. Hannie looked nervous as he fiddled his fingers and looked around the room, clearly avoiding my eyes.
"Hannie doesn't have to be afraid. Minho wont do anything." It made me extremely sad that I have to reassure him of this. He doesn't trust me afterall. I don't know why I'm even suprised at this point. No one ever trusts me, why would he be any different? I thought he would be.

"I didn't think that you would do anything. I'm just nervous to spend the night with you.." Hannie said as he blushed and looked at the floor again. He being shy was so adorable.

I felt happy that he was just nervous and not afraid of me, although there was still a part of me that thought he was lying. Everyone was scared of me and Hannie if anyone should be afraid , but I'm thankful that he isn't.
I walked towards him and he instantly lifted his gaze from the floor to look at me. I just gave him the sweetest smile as I could before hugging him again. I put my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his. I could feel him tense up for a moment, but after awhile he put his arms around my waist.

Each time I hugged him felt better than the last time. He smelled good and I felt secure with his arms around me. I couldn't help but smile. I felt so happy with him.
"Minho loves Hannie.." I whispered to his ear. He didn't answer me, he just held me tighter, making me blush.

I let go of him, missing the contact already. I held both of his hands and looked at his eyes. He looked back, as he seemed deep in thought again. His lips were slighty parted while he just stared at me, as I stared back. I loved having eye contact with him. His eyes were so beautiful and I could stare at them for hours, maybe even days.
It was honestly been awhile of us just standing, looking into each others eyes and holding hands.

Hannies mouth was still slightly open and his cheeks were a bit red. I wonder what he was thinking about.
I myself couldn't honestly think that much. The only thing I was focusing on was his beautiful features. It was completely silent apart from my fast heartbeat and his heavy breathing.

Although it was silent, it wasn't nowhere near awkward. Everything felt right.

"Hannie should change his clothes and brush his teeth." I finally spoke afrer awhile.
"U-Uhm yeah.. I s-should.." He said and walked past me to the door, letting go of my hands.
"Could you o-open the door?" He asked and turned back to me. I answered a small "of course" and let him out of the room.

After he was gone I was left all alone in the room, waiting for him to come back.

Jisung POV

I was in the bathroom and washing my face. I don't get how in the earth I'm still choosing to be here, but I didn't want to leave anymore. It felt so right to be here with Minho.

The scary thing was that I actually think that I like him. I liked how much he cared about me. He was so sweet and made me feel more loved than anyone else had ever done. He made me feel so many different things. He was unique and different from anyone I had ever met. He was so damn charming and beautiful.

"I have feelings..for Minho."

I looked at my reflection, shocked that I said it out loud. It felt so wrong, yet I felt so relieved to finally admit it.
I couldn't give a fuck about anything or anyone apart from Minho. He is what I need to be happy. He made me happy.
Only looking at his eyes made me feel like nothing else mattered around me. He made me feel at peace, like I was meant to be with him all along.

Of course there were the moments where he would scare me shitless, but I had already gotten used to it.

I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes to an oversized hoodie and shorts. After I was done with that I hurried back downstairs, just to see Minho laying down on the mattress.

He saw me enter the room and as soon as that happened he got up and hugged me again.
"Hannie looks so cute with that hoodie~" He said giggling afterwards. I could feel my cheeks instantly heat up at the compliment.
"Thanks...Y-You look g-good too." I said with the little courage I had.

Minho just smiled at me and giggled more. His giggle was so cute and made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
"Shall we sleep?" He asked. I just nodded as he took my hand and pulled me down to the mattress.

Laying down, Minho put his head on my chest and laid his hand on my stomach. This made me blush even more, but instead of pushing him away, I bought my hand up to his head and played with his hair. This all felt so weird and foreign, yet so natural. I could honestly stay like this with him forever.

"Yes, Hannie?" He looked at my face with a smile that gave me butterflies in my stomach.
"Hannie loves you too.." I said while looking at the ceiling, hoping that I wouldn't regret saying those words.

This time I really meant what I said.


Word count: 1396


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