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Minho POV

I opened my eyes and saw my Hannie still sleeping on top of me. Seeing him made me smile instantly. I looked at the time to see that it was already afternoon.
"Hannie...wake up." I poked Hannies cheek a couple of times. He opened his eyes slowly and yawned while getting off of me. He rubbed the sleepy out of his eyes, while I just giggled at his cuteness. Hannie is so adorable.
"Where's the bathroom?"He asked lazily. I got up from the couch, took Hannies hand in mine and pulled him up too. I kept my hand in his while walking and guiding him to bathroom. I liked how his hand fit perfectly in mine. I looked at my Hannie, he was blushing. It was so cute and I wanted to squish his cheek, so I did.

"Hannie is so cute when he's shy~" I said and laughed a little bit. Now his whole face was red and he tried to avoid me by looking at the floor. I swear I'm going to have a heart attack one day because of this boy.

We were finally at the bathroom, so I let go of his hand, missing his touch already. Hannie mumbled a quiet "thanks" and entered the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. I stood outside the bathroom and waited for him to be finished. I missed him already.

I almost felt paranoid without him. Hannie felt like my hearts missing puzzle piece and without him next to me felt like anything bad could happen. I felt my anxiety build up in my chest when it had been a minute. I really can't manage without him.
"Hannie~ Is everything okay?" I asked and hoped for a positive answer.
"Yeah..Just wait a minute." I answered a small "okay" to him and hugged myself.

I like to hug myself. I think I do it when I need a little comfort, when no one else is there to give it to me. Of course I had my Hannie, but I just felt like doing it, so I did. I often did it when I felt stressed or lonely.

I had learned to control myself a bit more around Hannie. My breathing was normal and my body wouldn't start shaking after just seeing him but of course he still made me a little light headed with his beauty. I didn't feel like I had to kiss him or anything like that either. Hannie sitting next to me was perfectly enough, although his lips are still tempting. I didn't want him to leave, so I decided to do things at his pace. I will not for example kiss him if he is uncomfortable with it.

Hannie came out of the bathroom and I started smiling again.
"I think I need more clothes than these. Should I borrow your clothes or can we go back to my place and get my clothes?" He looked at me and scratched his neck while laughing awkwardly. I still found everything he did extremely attractive and cute.

"Maybe Minho could go back to Hannies place and get what he needs, but if Hannie wants he can also borrow Minhos clothes."

"But why do you have to go alone to my place?" He asked me.
"Minho is scared that you will leave him alone.." I said truthfully while looking at the floor. I think that being without Hannie had become my biggest fear now, and I didn't want to risk losing him.
"Don't worry Minho, I really wont leave you." Hannie held my face so that I was looking at him. He just smiled at me reassuringly, making me blush.
"M-Minho knows that.." I was kinda embarrassed for some reason. I don't deserve him.
"Shall we go then?" He asked and let go of my face. I just nodded and walked away while he followed me.

Jisung POV

I was walking behind Minho, assuming that he was on his way to his car, if he even had one, though I'm pretty sure that a rich person like him will have an expensive car.

I don't know what happened back there, but I felt sympathy for him. I felt bad that he was that scared to be alone. Even if I had the chance to escape today, I wouldn't. Heck, I don't know if I will try to escape at all, but atleast not today. It made my heart feel warm when I saw him hug himslef for a little bit after exiting the bathroom, so I wanted him to feel better, like he made me feel.

"Is it okay if Minho blindfolds you?" He asked me while holding a piece of fabric. He pouted a bit looking cute as hell, while looking into my eyes. How can I say no to that? I just nodded and let him blindfold me, then he guided me to his car.

It was actually a long ride back to my place.
"Hannie can take his blindfold off now~" Minho said. I took it off and saw my house outside the car window. I really didn't have a big urge to go there. It's not like that place felt like a home anyways. There wasn't any happy or special memories. It was just a place to sleep in. I got out of the car. I realised that even trying to escape would've been pointless, there wasn't much that I could do.

I went to the front door, just to see that it was locked, so I went to the window that Minho had broken before. I went carefully inside, Minho following me. The house was like shit compared to Minhos. I didn't take care of it at all. Everything was messy and there were trash on the floor and the table. It was also kinda smelly, unlike Minhos house. His house was ideal.

I looked at Minho just to see him looking around and smiling. I felt kinda embarrassed.
"Sorry that you have to see this mess." I laughed a bit while making my way upstairs, Minho still following me. "It's okay Hannie~ Minho really likes your house." He said. I don't know if he was lying or what, but him saying that made me feel less embarrassed.

I went to my wardrobe and took as much clothes as I could in my hands, because I didn't own a suitcase or anything. Minho also helped me. It was mostly t-shirts, hoodies and sweats, couple pair of jeans aswell. We took the clothes to his car and just threw them in the backseat.
"Hey, I still want to grab a couple of things from there. Is that okay?" I asked and Minho nodded in response.
"Minho will come with you~"
He said and followed me back inside again. I took my notebook, that was filled with song ideas and lyrics. I also took my phone, even though I didn't use it much anyways.

Minho had blindfolded me again, and we drove back to his house, or should I say our house. I felt lucky to be kidnapped by someone like him, even though he might be a bit messed up, but that's what makes us alike.


Word count: 1225


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