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Jisung POV

We were finally at Minhos house again after getting my stuff. I was sitting on the couch, Minho sitting next to me. I suddenly remembered that I took my phone with me, so I reached my hand to my pocket and took the phone. I didn't have any messages or missed calls, which wasn't suprising.

I looked at my phone screen and spaced out for a moment. It was an odd feeling. It wasn't new that I didn't have missed calls or messages, but at that moment I felt a slight sting in my heart.
"Is Hannie planning to leave with the help of that device?" Minho asked me with a quiet voice and pointed at the phone in my hands. He looked sad and he almost looked like he was about to cry with his glossy looking eyes. Seeing him sad made me kinda sad too.

"Of course not Minho..Like I said I'm not going to leave you. Stop worrying about that stuff, okay?" I answered and looked at him. I tried to cheer him up with a smile and it seemed to work a bit. Now Minhos lips were curled up too.
"Well...why did Hannie take his phone? Hannie has Minho afterall."
He said and I gulped.
"I-I don't know.." I answered honestly.
"I thought that if I get bored I could watch Youtube or something?"
I looked at my phone again. Is Minho really this possesive? Maybe I should've escaped when I had the chance. I mean, I can't call anyone really since I don't know the location of this place, and it would probably be impossible to even call someone when he's here.

"Don't worry, Minho. I wont pay much attention to the phone." I said as I put the phone back in my pocket. Minho just giggled and clinged onto my arm.
"Minho and Hannie will have so much fun together~" He said and giggled again. I just stayed silent, not quite knowing what to do or how to respond. We just sat there in silence.

The silence wasn't really awkward. It almost felt comfortable.
"Is Hannie hungry?" Minho asked and lifted his head up to look at me.
"Not really.." I answered.
"But Hannie needs to eat." Minho said and pouted. His pout was probably the cutest thing ever. I laughed a bit at his cuteness and shrugged.
"We can eat if you're hungry. I don't really care." After I said that Minho stood up and pulled me up with him, holding my hand again. I still felt shy at the contact. Wasn't holding hands something that couples do anyways? I thought about letting go of his hand, but I just couldn't for some reason, so I let my hand be.

Minho walked to the kitchen, dragging me behind him while still holding my hand. We decided to just eat ramen.

After we were done eating my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it to see a message from Felix. Felix is my friend at the coffee shop. We worked there together. I honestly had a small crush on him, but I didn't really think about it much. I opened the message.

heyy u werent at work today. is everything ok? are you sick?

I smiled at the message. It was sweet that he cared about me. I almost forgot to reply.

haha yeah im ok..

well thats great then

why werent u at work tho?

i actually think that im gonna quit :/

oh that kinda sux
i will be lonely then

I let a small chuckle escape reading that. I couldn't help but to smile at everything Felix said or did. I had tried to deny it for awhile, but I really do have feelings for him.

aww im sorry mate
i found a better job 😅

good for u then 👍

yeah haha

well i gotta go :(
ttyl <3


I blushed at the heart he sent me. I felt so happy that he had messaged me, since he didn't do it that often. I was so busy with talking to Felix that I almost forgot about Minho. I looked at him across the table. He was just glaring at me with dark eyes and a frown. It honestly scared me.

"Hannie, who was that?" He asked in a low voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Just a friend.." I said. Saying that kinda hurt, because I wanted to be more than just friends with him.
Everything about Felix just seemed so perfect to me, but now that I had Minho it felt wrong to think like that and I don't know why.

I shouldn't feel bad though, right? I mean..Me and Minho are also just friends and we've known eachother for about only two days. It was not like we were dating or anything. Then I started thinking about having Minho as my boyfriend.

I realised that the idea of that didn't seem that bad, but at the same time I would prefer Felix over him. Or would I? I honestly don't know anymore.

"Just a friend, huh? Then why does Hannie smile so much while talking with him? Hannie even blushed. Only Minho should be the one to make Hannie blush."
I was so scared of Minho at the moment. I didn't like how obsessive he was being.

Minho stood up from the dining table and walked over to me. I just kinda froze and stayed still. Minho stood infront me and stretched out his hand towards me."The phone." He commanded. I was honestly about to shit my pants. This version of Minho was scary as fuck and I just wanted to leave, but at the same time I was interested in what would happen.

It was that kind of thing, where when nothing happened in your life you just got excited about everything.
Minho was looking at my phone and scrolling through it. I'm assuming that he was looking at my messages with Felix. His eyes got darker as seconds passed. He looked almost emotionless. After a minute he just put the phone in his pocket and left the kitchen.

I just got up too and followed him.
"Minho~? Come on why are you being like this? There's seriously nothing going on between us." I tried. Minho stopped and turned around to look at me with the same emotionless expression he had earlier.

"Minho deleted everyones number from Hannies phone." He said while giving the phone back to me and I took it. "W-Why would you do that..?" I asked. There goes my chance to escape. I honestly thought about telling Felix about the situation, maybe he could've saved me.

"Minho doesn't want anything to be between Hannie and Minho~" He said and smiled at me. Normally I would find that smile heart warming, but right now it was the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

I just nodded in defeat, knowing that I'm way too weak to go against Minho.


Word count: 1196


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