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Credit to aapada

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Jisung POV

I looked at the asleep male next to me, unable to ignore these feelings bubbling inside of me anymore. Minho had insisted, that we'd cuddle before sleeping, so here we are. He had fallen asleep long time ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do that.

These past seven months that I've lived here have been..interesting. There has been times when Minho would act all sweet, like an actual boyfriend, which would make me fall for him all over again.

Though, most of the time he would be possessive, even do stuff that I don't want to. The amount of times that I've been tied to a chair, just because I've talked with other human beings or disobeyed Minho's words, was getting so tiring. I was so done, so tired with everything.

All the feelings I had before for the obsessive, psychotic boy has been gone for awhile now, but I've been scared to admit it out loud.

To be honest, I've been scared of alot of things, still am. Like being alone. That's mainly the reason why I'm still stuck here with this lunatic. I thought that I really did love him, but now I know that it has all been forced. I've been forcing myself to love him, since I don't have anyone else.

I gulped, as I stared at the beauty next to me. He was so beautiful, and so irresistible. Yet so venomous, and broken. Nothing about him was complete. He was a puzzle with missing pieces, an unsolved rubix cube.

If I could, I would fix him, but in all honesty; it's impossible. I've tried talking to him about anything that would possibily be the cause of him acting like this, but he would get angry and yell at me in response, he has even hit me a couple of times.

I recommended for him to go to therapy, but that made him even more mad, to the point where I got tied up again.

I watched, as his chest rose up and down with every breath he took. For once, he looked peaceful. He didn't look angry, scary or insane. He just looked peaceful, like he was content with everything, with life.

Looking at him like this almost made me feel bad for even thinking about anything awful about him. I knew that deep down, he was just like anyone else, but I just couldn't stand him anymore. I just couldn't.

I had to accept the fact that he indeed, was completely insane. I couldn't let him destroy my mind nor body any longer. Something inside of me snapped.

I quietly got up from his king sized bed, making sure that he wouldn't wake up. Holding my breath, I tip toed to the door and opened it. It let out a creaky sound, making my heart beat at an unhuman speed.

"Where is Hannie going?" Minho's raspy voice echoed in the room, making me freeze completely.

"I-I'm just going t-to the bathroom.."
I could only hope that he'd believe me, although my stutters would easily give me away.
"Oh. Minho's coming with you~"
He giggled, the same giggle that haunted me in my worst dreams.

Before Minho could even get up, I sprinted out, and ran for my life. I tried my best to be fast, but my legs were a bit weak and full of bruises, making it hard to move at full speed.

"Come back, Hannie!" I could hear Minho yell, and soon run after me, but I had to ignore him. I had to keep going and swallow the already empty feeling growing inside of me. A few sobs escaped from my mouth, as I started thinking about...just everything.

As much as I despised Minho, there was still a part of me that felt bad and cared for him. In all honesty, a part of me had grown on him, and life without him would probably feel somewhat incomplete.

I was soon stopped in my tracks when I felt the collar of my shirt getting pulled, making it hard to breathe.

"Minho told Hannie to come back.."

I looked behind me, just to be met with Minho's dark, terrifying eyes.
"Hannie didn't try to escape, right? Hm?" Minho smiled at me, making me shiver. My breathing was far from steady, as I swallowed my tears.
"I'm s-sorry, Minho."

Taking every energy left in me, I elbowed Minho's nose, making him groan. He let go of my collar, letting me finally breathe and run away.

I couldn't hear anything, as a white noise ringed in my ears. This was it.

I opened the front door and ran. Ran away from all the bad memories, away from the house where the boy I once fell in love with was. I couldn't help but laugh out of pure bliss.

It felt so good to inhale the fresh air, the cold wind blowing against my face even better. I just felt happy.

I finally stopped, as I didn't see Minho's house anymore. I smiled to myself, finally feeling free. I knew that I might be lonely for awhile, but in that moment it couldn't bother me in the slightest.

I was finally free.

Minho POV

I held my bleeding nose and watched, as my Hannie opened the door and just left. I completely froze up.

The most important thing in my life, the reason why I want to keep going just escaped infront of my own eyes, and I let him. He was the reason why I felt even the slightest of happiness, the reason why I want to get out of bed every morning. I was nothing without him.

"Hannie left Minho...all alone."

"Hannie can't do that to Minho..No.."

"Hannie has to come back. He can't leave Minho alone."

"Minho needs Hannie.."


I kept talking to myself, hoping that it would calm me down. It obviously didn't.

He promised that he wouldn't leave me, ever. He told me that he loves me. Why would he do something like this?
I let tears run along my cheeks, as everything crumbled down.

How can I live without him? Is it even possible? I thought that he was different, that he would care. I thought that we really had something...

No one loves you, Minho. Why would Hannie love you?
Stupid Minho..Stupid, stupid, stupid...

I started hitting my head. How can I just let him escape like that? I pulled my hair, frustrated. Is it even worth living when no one loves you?

I let my thoughts sink in, accepting the fact that I only had myself. I just wanted this bad dream to end.

I hugged myself, desperate for any type of comfort. I only had myself, no one else. My body started feeling like it was disconnecting from this reality, as if I was floating. This has happened before, but now it just felt wrong.

Everything I did was just wrong. I've always known that I'm not okay, that I am not normal, but I've never before actually questioned it. In this moment, even breathing felt wrong.

What's wrong with me?


Word count: 1208


a/n: (nthing important so feel free to just not read oop)

so, only one chapter after this one and then i'm done. unless i decide to write a second book on this story (was that even english? idfk)

i read this whole book again and just crinGed mY asS off-
like i don't get it w h y you even like this book skdjdjjd
like there was so many typos and just uGh i lowkey want to just go back and fix all the mistakes but i'm lazy so

anyways, i don't know if you can see but i've improved which makes me happy :D atleast i hope i have oof-

thank you for reading, as always. love you 💞

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