Letter 1

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Dear Jacob,

Hiya. It's me, Emma. I know you never want to talk to me again. You did make that very clear. But, I just guess I wanted to say that I'm sorry. You could say this letter is an apology. I just never got a chance to say what I wanted to. I miss you Jacob. We all do. I wish you would come back...

I know you never would. But it's nice to dream. theres a storm outside. You love the sun, rather than storms. But just sat at my desk writing to you with the room occasionally lit by the electricity of the lightning...it somehow reminds me of you. I guess that's why I started writing. So much went unsaid. If I could turn back time...there would be so much I would have changed. But meeting you? That wouldn't be on the list.

The storms got worse...that's how it feels without you, Jacob. The world, lit by lightning, and will be until you return.

Sammy's scared. Silly dog...your mother gave her to me to look after for a while. Said he was never the same without you, and that maybe i would help. Always afraid of things now...yet he was so brave around you. I guess we all were...you and your ideas that always got us into trouble...

Anyway I wanted to apologise. But I also wanted to remember. You left before I was able to share with you my side of our story. So I thought I would write to you.

I don't really know how to start, so I guess I'll start from the beginning. That night we first met.

I'll write to you soon Jacob, really write to you, to remember everything. To re-tell everything. I promise, I will.

Love, Emma

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