Letter 18

18 6 4

Dear Jacob,
Christmas everywhere. I suppose I do like Christmas, because it's a great time to study the stars. Longer nights, shorter days. More darkness, less light. That's the thing about my studies; the stars are only visible in darkness. Much like problems and solutions. No matter how far you fall into the void of disrepair, there is always something to hold on to. and if you're lucky its more than one thing....
I just wanted to be saved by someone. I wanted someone to pick me up and whisk me away into that whirlwind that would free me from the inevitable fall into blue feelings. Disrepair, where I never met someone and stayed alone. I wanted someone, anyone to just take me away.
I wanted you to take me away, I really did. But your gold visions didn't fit with my blue doubts. The world works in strange ways like that. And soon I began to realise I could never escape the empty, hollow, wrong feeling in my stomach with you.
But I could with someone else. Someone who added that yellow happiness to my blue despair, to create a calm green, which filled us both. The kind that washed away all fears and helped you sleep peacefully at night. Someone made me green enough to want to wake up in the mornings.
Love, Emma

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