{ Chapter 6 }

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The orientation tour of the main campus only proved once again that Silver Hawk Ridge was nothing short of exquisite. It was almost like a college campus, with little cafes and shops, not to mention the countless courtyards and quads spread about. The classroom buildings were gorgeous and state of the art. Lord knows I was going to want to spend as much time in the science labs as I wanted to in the stables and my dorm. We were told any art, sport, and elective activity buildings could be explored on our own time, or with the help of a faculty member.

Now our dorm group was headed back to Kentwood, where we were given downtime for the rest of the day. Tomorrow would be time to continue to settle in, poke around, etc. For me, that involved heading down to the stable and getting situated and hopefully exercising Rega. Later tomorrow evening there would be a bit of a dance/party in the massive rec hall/gym. Thankfully classes weren't starting till next Monday, so I had about a week to acclimate to my new home.

Now Avery and I were packed into an elevator with Isabelle, Jenny, and a few other girls whom I didn't know the names of. The tension radiating off of Jenny towards me was palpable. She seemed to think that by eyeing me up like a lion to a gazelle would belittle me. Think again sweetheart.

"So Savannah, how are you liking Silver Hawk Ridge? Probably nicer that what you are used to I'd imagine" she said smugly. I ignored her dig, rolling my eyes internally. I wouldn't think her to be so bold as to make a comment like that in an enclosed space with other people.

"It's an amazing school. Not just because of the amenities, but because of the academics and the people. I'm sure my horse and I will be content here" I said, barely avoiding a cutting remark myself. The tension seemed to ease itself a bit. I heard a relieved sigh coming from Isabelle and another girl beside me.

"Well Savannah, you know me, but let me introduce you to my roommate, Bianca Ellis" Isabelle spoke up kindly, gesturing to a petite blonde with curly blonde hair and kind chocolate brown eyes that reminded me of Rega's. I went to shake her hand but she just dove in for a hug immediately. At first I didn't move at the strong gesture, but I soon returned it.

The elevator stopped, and (thankfully) Jenny and two others vacated. The tension fully left with her, and Bianca, Isabelle, Avery and I all busted out giggling. I could tell I was going to get along great with these three.

Soon we were back on our floor. Bianca and Isabelle continued to walk down the hall with us. We stopped at our door and they went to the door right next to ours. The one in which the bathrooms adjoined...

"I think we met our other roommates" Avery said with a mischievous grin. And with that we walked into our room.


"I'm telling you girl! Joey and Rachel should have been a thing!" Avery remarked as we wrapped up an episode of Friends. Having gotten to raiding the vending machine and our personal snack supply, we were laying on our beds after situating ourselves into our room the rest of the way. I had on a loose grey tank top and some black Nike Pros with my hair tied back in a loose dutch braid. Avery was in what I could only describe as the most adorable cow onesie I'd ever seen.

"That may be, but Rachel and Ross literally have not been able to survive without each for more than a season or so", I countered with an eye roll. I'd never understood why the public (ourselves included) were so set on them being a thing.

"Whatever", Avery quipped rolling her eyes. Having realized it was nearly midnight, I shut my bedside light off, and Avery followed suit. Now we were just in the darkness with the TV glowing.

"What do you want to do tomorrow? It's only Friday and classes don't start till next Monday" Avery turned towards me. "Since riding practice starts on Wednesday, I'm gonna work Rega tomorrow and get any of the kinks out". I could only imagine how fresh she was going to be when I got her out.

"I should probably work my horse soon too. We don't live particularly far away, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. It'll give you a chance to meet my precious horse" she said with a grin. We all love our fuzzy babies. I clicked the TV off on that note.

"In that case, we need to go to bed. No sense in trying to work a horse half asleep" I yawned. Avery was snuggling down into her bed as well, judging by the rustling I heard from her side of the room. "Night Avery" I said, getting ready to fall asleep.

"Night Savannah" she said, a yawn swallowing her words. With that I closed my eyes, clutched unto my stuffed lamb and drifted off to dreamland of the days to come.

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