{ Chapter 7 }

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   The following morning, I awoke to find Avery sound asleep, snoring softly. Her pillows were piled around her head, likely smothering her just a bit. Chuckling, I tiptoed over to her side and adjusted her slowly so she wouldn't wake up. Once her nose and mouth weren't blocked by the pillow, her snores calmed into soft breathing.

   I padded into the bathroom to get ready. Thankfully it was empty. I roughly ran a brush through my hair and braided it quickly so it would be out of my face. I washed my face with cleanser and brushed my teeth. Walking back into our room, I laid out my clothes. I ended up choosing an orange polo and black breeches. Tugging my black short boots on, I grabbed my phone, water bottle, info sheet, and room key, off the night stand and quietly left. I took the elevator down to the mess hall.

   Surprisingly, there was a fair amount of students already congregated in there

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   Surprisingly, there was a fair amount of students already congregated in there. Everyone was nestled into their own cliques and I made a point of not sticking around. I didn't want to be rude, but trying to make new friends was not conducive to an early start. I quickly grabbed a Cliff bar and a banana. On my way out, I noticed a couple little alcoves where there was a coffee counter and barista at work, and another housed protein powders and daily supplements. Taking advantage, I grabbed a packet of whey protein and glycogen for afterwards.

Walking across the campus at sunrise proved to be a beautiful scene. The sun just rising up over the horizon painted the underbelly of the clouds gold and cast a glow over the quad. I can't believe this opportunity. I not only get to ride under the direction and training of a prestigious school, but I get an amazing campus to go with it.

   After about a couple minutes, I reached the entry path to the stables. The hands and grooms were already bustling about preparing for the day. Gorgeous Arabians and Thoroughbreds were in paddocks and being led  around the grounds. I walked in and was nothing short of amazed.

   Treading quietly as to not disturb the horses that were either sleeping, or munching on breakfast

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Treading quietly as to not disturb the horses that were either sleeping, or munching on breakfast. I looked down at my info sheet. Rega was in aisle 2, stall 15. After finding the stall, which proved to be conveniently close to the arena, I peeked in and saw my horse munching lazily on her morning feed. She stuck her head up and wandered over to the door to stick her nose out for a petting. As I was running her nose and speaking soft encouragements, a stable hand walked up behind me.

"I'm assuming Rega is your horse?", he questioned knowingly. I turned to face him. He was an older gentleman with a sun-tanned face and a crop of neatly arranged grey hair. He looked at Rega with a look of humor and pride. I could tell right away that this man loved his job and the horses.

"Yes sir" I answered professionally. I would always admit to owning my precious baby girl.

"Your horse is one of the best behaved animals I've ever seen. Never fussed when I came to feed her, and so far (knock on wood) she's been perfectly patient with the grooms" he said, petting her nose. She leaned into his touch just like she does to me. Rega's horse sense seemed to be proving that I could trust this guy.

"Yes sir. I've been working with her on that since day one". He nodded his head in approval

"It's nice to see that someone really does the work with their horse. That can't be said for everyone around here. I'm Ray, the head stable hand. Who might you be miss?" He said, sticking his hand out

"Savannah Bells. I'm new this year". I met his hand. It was warm and rough, like my dad's. He stepped back and had a crinkle in the corner of his eyes as he grinned.

"Well Ms. Bells, I look forward to seeing you around. If you have any questions, I think Mr. Watts just wandered into his office." He turned on his boot heel and walked to aisle 1. I looked to Rega's food bin and called in Ray's direction.

"Ray, did you put-"

"Her beet pulp and supplement mix in? Yep. I added some celery seed in too. She likes that quite a bit" he called over his shoulder.

I smiled. "Thank you!" And with that, I wandered back in the direction of the office. A gleaming brass plaque gleamed at me that read: Adam Watts: head trainer. I also could hear a stern voice talking on the phone. This was like walking into the principals' when you're in trouble. I knocked softly on the door, already feeling a certain amount of regret.

"One sec Mel. Come in". I slowly opened the door and stepped inside. A shorter man in his late thirties was standing at a desk looking down at a notebook. When he looked up, a smile flashed across his face and held up the "one second" finger.

"Alright Mel, I gotta go. Remember: two buckets of glycogen supplement and the normal feed order...yup I'll call and settle up with you later. Have a good day". He hung up the phone and looked back to me.

"Ah, Savannah Bells. Welcome to Silver Hawk Ridge. I trust you've been settling in okay?" He said, shaking my hand.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Watts" I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. It's amazing how even a man who's only about 5'8" ish can make you feel like you're quaking in your boots. "I was wondering, I know practice doesn't start until Wednesday, but could I lunge Rega in the arena to work any kinks out?" I was expecting a no.

"Sure! In fact I encourage it. The more ready you and everyone else is the better. Go ahead and use the large indoor ring. If you have any questions or need any help, just ask me or any of the staff". Wow! Surprise, surprise.

"Thank you sir. Have a good day". And with that I left the office and went to get Rega ready.

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