{ Chapter 35 }

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Now that Halloween had passed, the equestrian team had to stare down the barrel of the upcoming shows, in addition to the work needed before Thanksgiving break. They'd put off finding captains for the varsity and national teams this semester like they'd originally planned since the system was so new, and we needed as much professional attention as we could get to keep our progress going. This time the varsity team was headed to Silver Spur Competition in Charleston, West Virginia and the National team was headed to Lakeview Academy Competition in Indianapolis. The morning we left for the show was a bitterly cold one. Little snowflakes were already dancing over our heads as we loaded the horses into the trailers. I pulled my dark blue quilted jacket around my green team hoodie a little tighter. The horses were feeling a bit fresh in the bracing wind going around us.

"Rega, there's hay in the trailer, which means you have even less reason to try and rob the others of their hay, ya piggy" I scolded lightly. Once I had her in the trailer, I hopped onto the bus and laid my head on Drew's shoulder. We rumbled on in the dark of the morning to West Virginia.


While the showing was largely hosted in indoor arenas, the outdoor warm up areas were every kind of cold with the wind whipping around us. Even with a quarter sheet, Rega was feeling fresh and proving to be a bit of a challenge. Most of the day had been pretty fruitful, with everyone placing at least somewhere in the top 10 for each class. Now we were at the 15 and up 1.30m speed class. This was gonna be one of the big ones.

"Oof!" My butt landed firmly in the sand. Mr. Watts grabbed Rega's reins until I was put together again. He knit his brows in concern at me, extending a hand down to me.

"I'm fine, I swear. Another day in the life, right?" I accepted his leg up into the saddle. Oh did Rega know how to push my buttons sometimes. I muttered a few prayers before pressing her forward again.

"Alright Savannah, get her back under and then just take her over that white oxer and combination". I did as I was told, getting Rega under control, reminding her that she had a job to do as long as anyone was on her back. Deeming her steady, Mr. Watts led me through the entrance of the indoor arena into the queue. The competitor had just finished a round with a knocked rail, his jet black stallion showing off with a raised tail. The next rider was actually Daniel. He and Nova were a beautiful pair, almost like dancing partners. Nova was one of the only horses that had been completely sound today. My heart dropped as her knees brushed a rail, but the rail did not fall. His run was clean until the final obstacle, where the front of Nova's hooves knocked the rail from its cups. Mr. Watts shook his head.

"He's good, I know he's good, but he's almost too focused. He won't let Nova do what she knows without muscling her." That's when he looked up to me and patted Rega's shoulder. "That's where you come in. You've got the bravery to trust your horse. Don't let me down kid." I nudged Rega where a steward was waiting to send me in. I walked by Daniel on the way.

"Hey Daniel?" he picked his head up. He was hurting, but he did not look at me with malice.


"Hang in there. Your time is coming". He nodded slowly and made his way to Mr. Watts. The indoor stadium was packed with spectators. Time to make the magic happen.

"Up next in the 1.30M class is Savannah Bells riding The Promise of Hope from Silver Hawk Ridge Academy" the loudspeaker rang out.

The bell clanged and we were off. Running down the back edge was a tight turn into the first imposing vertical. Three, two, one up! Rega pinged upright tucking her knees in tight, clearing with air to spare. A half halt at the landing and we turned tight into the dogs leg of a right turn towards the double combination, letting Rega do the rest of the work to carry us over. She knew what she was doing. I sent her surging through to the grey brick wall and making the 180 to the ascending oxer. She flicked her hind legs to make sure she cleared. I let her have her head for the unusually wide liverpool into the flowery hedge. The gate proved to be a slight issue as I half halted before takeoff, just barely shaving in. I was left with the swedish oxer and a tricky ascending triple to the final hogsback. Come on Rega! After taking a slight long spot with the swedish oxer, I rocketed towards the triple. She tucked her toes perfectly and threw in a tail swish for good measure, showing off.

"Come on Rega, take us home!" I urged. One final stride lengthening and she was bunching her hindquarters for a powerful boost. We were sailing over the final obstacle with nearly a foot to spare, leaving nothing left but to power through the finish.

"Savannah Bells and The Promise of hope from Silver Hawk Ridge Academy finish with a time of 38 seconds flat, moving her into first place!" Yes!

After an hour, it was down to one last competitor, Kennedy. Drew had taken a tight post behind me, so it was gonna be tight. Watching her round had me worried. I chewed on the fingertip of my glove as she went through. Apollo was practically phantom in his elegance, but Kennedy was being too careful. It was gonna be close. After no faults she made the fight to the finish. I didn't even want to look at the time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Kennedy Marshall and Pride of Olympus from Silver Hawk Ridge Academy finishes out the age 15 and up 1.30 speed class with a time of 39.10 seconds, which means your winner is Savanna Bells riding Promise of Hope!" The applause and cheers were deafening as I threw my arms around my friends. We all mounted up and rode into the ring for the prize ceremony, I gazed proudly down the lineup to see Drew, Kennedy, Jenny, Avery, Daniel, and Anna in their respective placings. Once again SHR had swept the first 8 places save for 7th. I received the gorgeous blue rosette for the class as we all rode out. We still had the remainder of the day to get through.


"And that's how it's done guys!" Mr. Watts praised. "You are one of the best varsity teams this school has seen in years. I could not be more proud of how today went". We were sitting in the warmth of the stables, getting ready to head back. I had taken first place overall in the 15 and up division, which I received a massive rosette sash, a halter, and a silver trophy. We had won first place overall as a team, and Ms. Brandt had not let go of that massive cup since we got it. I'd stolen Avery's spare blanket for Clover and was sharing it with her and Anna. We'd talked to the national team and they had gotten high finishes as well, with Izzy coming away with a medal, and a second place finish for the team overall. Now that all the fanfare was over, I was ready to collapse back home and finish the rest of my homework as a Sunday project.

   By the time we'd loaded the horses, minute amounts snowflakes had begun to make their descent, so it was definitely time to make our exit from the grounds. As we drove quietly in the dark, the snowfall was even heavier the closer we got to home. By the time we'd made it back, an inch of snow had fallen across the school grounds, and workers were laboring diligently and swiftly to keep the paths cleared and salted. After making sure the horses were groomed down for bedtime and everything was secure down at the stable, we lumbered back to the dorms.

   "I love showing, don't get me wrong, but it's a little exhausting the older I get" Avery groaned. I laughed, but I definitely agreed. After staring at the pile of bags, I determined that I'd unpack my bags tomorrow, but tonight, it's showers and straight to bed. Nothing like a good show day to encourage someone to rest and dream again.

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