{ Chapter 4 }

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Stepping off of the elevator, Rey and I walked a small distance down the hall and I found my door open, hearing my parents chatting to themselves inside the threshold. Walking into my room, I was thoroughly impressed.

 Walking into my room, I was thoroughly impressed

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(Rough mental picture of my idea of their room)

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(Rough mental picture of my idea of their room)

"Whoa," I breathed. "Talk about living in luxury". The room was spacious and light. However, it needed a personal touch. My bedspread, a rug in here somewhere, whatever my roommates tastes were, it was gonna be great.

"Well, I will give you guys some time to unpack and say your goodbyes. Savannah, meet down in the lobby at around 12:30 for the beginning of the year orientation." Rey said over her shoulder as she walked out the door. "You know where to find me if you need anything."

My parents looked at me with pride, tears shining in their eyes.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you around the house this year. It's going to be so empty!" My mom choked out. I threw my arms around her petite middle and gave her a strong squeeze. My dad put his arms around the two of us and rested his chin on my head.

"The house may actually be quiet." My dad chuckled. I squeezed them both. I was going to miss this for a while.

"I'll call as often as I can, okay?"

"I'll hold you to that." My mom teased, ruffling my head. "Well, I guess I'll leave you to get settled. Bye sweetie."

"Bye guys. Love you." And with that, they shut the door behind them, and I was left to myself. I hung my clothes in a closet and arranged my toiletries and makeup in their respective containers. Eventually, my chosen closet was clean and neatly ordered. I went ahead and chose the bed closest to the door and arranged my half of the room into liking. Only when I looked up did I notice that the reason I unconsciously chose the bed by door was because there was already stuff piled on the other bed. I guess in all the saying goodbye to my parents and putting my stuff away, I hadn't noticed my roommate already placed her items on the other bed. Hearing the doorknob clicking, I immediately whipped around.

The door opening revealed a tall girl with long brown hair and dark eyes. She immediately smiled and crossed to me.

"I'm not even going to bother asking if we're roomies. Hiii!" She squealed brightly and threw her arms around me and squeezed, HARD. Holy crap this girl had some muscle!

"Hello to you too", I squeaked out in an injured tone, largely due to the vice grip around my diaphragm that was whoever this girl was. I started to feel just a tad bit lightheaded. "Could you possibly let me go...?" I wheezed. I felt her release instantaneously.

"Sorry, I get a little excited. I like new people. So what's your name new person?" She asked with an apologetic grin on spread on her face.

"Savannah Bells. And you?", holding my hand out for a shake

"Nice to meet you Savannah", she took my hand firmly in her's. "I'm Avery Destin". We stepped apart, and her eyes drifted towards the bathroom door. "I wonder who we're sharing a Jack and Jill with...let's find out!" I stopped her before she could get any further.

"How about we wait a bit? Let them get unpacked and settled in." Avery looked back at me with a fake pouty lip.

"Fiiiinnneee", she huffed. "What time is it?"

I glanced at my black FitBit. "Ten. We have a while before orientation then."

"Hm". She looked around at her stuff. "How about we unpack my stuff and make this room look badass?" She said with zeal in her eyes.

"Why not?" I grinned, and we got to work.

"Just so you know, I'm not the most organized roommate in the world. That won't bother you too much, will it?" She asked with a sheepish half grin on her face. I raised an eyebrow

"Define 'unorganized'"....


"Okay, next time you say 'unorganized', you need to say 'my suitcases have no rhyme or reason to them and are a possible explosive risk!" I remarked as I passed out on my bed. The moment we'd opened her suitcases, a pile of clothes popped out at a high velocity to greet us like confetti.

"Fair enough", Avery said, flopping down beside me. "What time is it? And don't say 'time for you to get a watch' or I will smite you!"

I moved my wrist overhead and glanced at the time. "12:20, time to head down to the lobby". I slowly shoved myself off my bed.

"I just wanna take a naaaaaap!" She groaned, begrudgingly following suit. We were prepared to leave when Avery got a glimpse in the mirror.

"Do you think five minutes would kill us?"

I turned on my heel. "No, why?"

"Because," she pulled me beside her in front of the mirror "road trip scraggly is probably not the best way to introduce ourselves to our peers."

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