{ Chapter 3 }

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We finally arrived in Lexington around 7 AM. Thankfully, sign in didn't start until 9, so that gave us time to stretch and clean up after the long drive. After stopping at the nearest gas station with a field, I took the time to check on Rega for the umpteenth time (what can I say? She's my world). I gave her the opportunity to relieve herself, give her some water, and remove her hot shipping blanket. Despite the incoming fall weather, the temperatures were still pretty hot down south, not to mention the air was drier than the Sahara today.

Having loaded her back in the trailer, we continued on to Silver Hawk Ridge. When we pulled up to the front security gate, a security guard double checked our identification and Rega's papers to make sure her coggins was negative before she entered the premises. They let us through the gates, and we continued down the gravel road to the main entrance. My parents and I hopped out of the truck and checked in with the welcome committee that came to greet us. I was approached by a petite young lady with a mass of curly black hair.

"Hi, welcome to Silver Hawk Ridge! My name is Deena, can I have your name?" She asked with an eager smile. She held her and out to shake mine, and I took it firmly.

"Savannah Bells", I grinned. She flipped through some papers on her clipboard, her eyes scanning the pages to find my name. Her eyes lit up, so I assume she found my name.

"Ah! Here you are darlin'. You're with RA Reyana. Reyana?" She called out for the girl who was likely taking charge of me. A tall blonde girl who looked a lot like me appeared behind her.

"Right here girlie. Hi Savannah, I'm Reyana, but you can call me RA Rey." She said with a quirky grin. "Normally we'd have you and your parents follow me with your bags to your room, however, but since you are an equestrian with an obvious horse and gear in tow, I'm going to have your parents and RA Dylan bring your bags up to your room. You and I are going to take your equipment and horse down to the stables and get you signed in there. After that, I'll bring you up to your dorm where you will rendezvous with your parents."

After retrieving the keys to the truck from my parents, I drove us to the stables based on Rey's direction.

"So, not that I don't like you, because I already do, why did you take the time to bring me down here?" I wondered. "I mean you probably have tons of other kids to get signed in a shown to their dorm. And I'm sure a stablehand would've been glad to help."

Rey laughed brightly. "There's two RA's per dorm building. Your other RA is RA Amanda. You'll like her too, she's super nice and super fun. I was an equestrian back when I went here too. AND," she paused and got a little quieter. "you're our only new scholarship student in the dorm, and I wanted to give you an extra welcome and helping hand because I was in your shoes when I went here too." She aimed a comforting smile at me. "Being the new kid is an occasionally difficult change of pace."

That brought a smile to my face. I wasn't sure what people would be like when I got here, and I already loved being around Rey. It already felt like having an older sister, which I never got the experience of, being an only child (So that's probably why god sent Rega to me).

"Thanks. It's nice to know someone has my back". We pulled up to the stable unloading area. The head groom and one hand walked up immediately to help unload. They took my trunk and extra bags and led Rega out of the trailer into the stable. Then I was handed a sheet of paper with her aisle and stall location, turn out schedules, and locker number and combination, and contact information of the office and head groom. I looked up at the head groom in confusion.

"This contact information is so you can reach me about anything from questions to specific instructions on turn out or feeding for your horse. I can also contact you if there is a change or a visit scheduled with the vet or farrier." He told me kindly. With a quick thank you, Rey and I drove the truck back to the parent/visitor lot. I was a little put out that I hadn't gotten to really see my horse though.

"That's because they want you both settled as swiftly as possible. You'll see her in the morning." Rey informed me. "Heads up, equestrian practices start two days before classes to get you guys into the groove early". I immediately felt my heart jump up into my throat.

"No pressure there." I squeaked out. Rey put a comforting arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. "Thanks girl".

"Why don't we get you up to your room and get you settled?", she looked down at me with a half smile. I returned the smile.

"I'd like that".

"Okay, so you're in Kentwood hall, the junior girls' dormitory. The dorms are separated by year and by gender." Rey looked down at my sheet on her board.

We stopped at the front desk to grab my key. Thankfully, we were given both physical keys and key cards. This way, if one was ever lost, we would always have another backup. The key card also was specific to my room, so no one else could ever use their key on our room or us on anyone else's. That was a comfort to know we would all be safe.

"So you're sharing a room with one other girl. The rooms are also connected by bathrooms, so really, you'll have three roommates". Rey said. "Now, as hectic as that might sound, it's always good to have a support team nearby. Also, my room on the second floor at the end of the hall and RA Amanda's is on the fourth floor at the end of the hallway. You can reach out or come up at any hour no matter what. We are here for you". She smiled. "Now as for you," her eyes scanned my sheet "you're on the third floor in room 105.

With that, we took my remaining duffel and headed up the elevator to my new living space for the next year.

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