Chapter One

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I woke up this morning by the dreadful sound of my alarm clock and unlocked my cell phone so that it would display the time; 7:00 AM.

Shit, I said to myself. I cannot be late for my first day of classes.

I sat up, detached my cannula from my BiPAP and attached it to Philip.

Since I was already behind schedule, I decided to skip the effort in looking, somewhat, "good" this morning, it's not like I had anyone to impress anyway.

Once I was ready, I walked over to my calendar and marked off the date today. I let out a sigh. It was the 62nd morning. Exactly 2 months since Augustus' passing.

I head down the stairs to the kitchen, following the exotic aroma of freshly toasted waffles.

"Good morning Sweet Pea," my Mom greeted me. I have a love/hate relationship with that nickname. "Good morning Mom," I greeted her back. "Excited for your first day back?!" she asked me, seeming way to up beat. Then again; she always was, for the smallest occasions. One of the many reasons why I loved her. "I guess," I answered, sounding the exact opposite.

"Why so glum chum?" clearly she was not aware of the date today.

"Do you know what the date is today?" implying some sarcasm.

My Mother then paused, as if she was currently putting it together in her mind. And she did.

"Oh Hazel, I'm so sorry," she finally said, trying to console me.

"It's okay," I lied. It wasn't okay, and it will never again be okay.


I had finished my delicious breakfast right on time to head out the door and face the world. Right when my Dad came, but this I don't mind being late for.

"Hazel, honey, your friend Isaac is here to see you."

"Thanks Dad, tell him I'll be right there."

"No problem, and you can head right to school afterwards."

"Alright, bye Dad, bye Mom. I love you both."

"Bye Sweetheart. We love you too," they said in unison.

Isaac was sitting outside on my door steps, wearing Gus' old Rick Smitts jersey.

"Nice outfit," I complimented him.

"Looked better on Gus."

"True," I said humorously.

He laughed, I enjoyed being the reason for someone's smile.

"So, you going back to school today?" he asked me, starting a real conversation.

"I was actually just about to head out. 'Till you came." I answered, honestly.

He laughed again.

"What school?"

"I got my GED, so I'm taking classes at MCC."

"Collage?! Damn, that explains the aura of sophistication." he said, causing me to zone out.

I remember when Augustus said that, I remember when Augustus was alive, I remember our little infinity - our little infinity that I will never forget.

The Fault In Our Stars: After AugustusWhere stories live. Discover now