Chapter Seventeen

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It's been a week.

A week full of checkups, worried family and friends, and without my phone - which is still missing.

Today was my "weekly appointment". Which didn't make much sense to me because I get checked out by nurses almost everyday, but this is supposed to be like an official doctor's appointment.

Once I got out of bed, I switched my cannula from my BiPAP to Phillip, as per usual. Then I went downstairs to eat breakfast, which I was already starting to smell.

I had another delicious breakfast, another meal my parents probably spent way too much time on. I suspect Cancer Perk.

After digesting those yummy meatballs with even yummier sauce, I went back to my room to get ready for my appointment.

The weather was fairly warm today, and it was still technically Summer, so I put on this peach sundress I got as a gift when I was thirteen. Then a cream coloured cardigan over, in case it got chilly.

"Hazel, Honey, we're leaving now!" my Mom shouted from across the hall.

So I quickly grabbed a pair of ballet flats and head out the door.


My Cancer Doctor Maria called for "Lancaster" about 5 minutes after I had arrived. Then we followed her into the conference room. I suspected that I was going to have to get a MRI or PET scan today, but I guess they already knew I'd light up like a Christmas Tree.

All they talked about were things I already know; "she may have only a little time left", "at this point the drugs may be unnecessary", "her tumours aren't shrinking", etcetera.

I thought I was actually needed, but they did not so much as ask how I was doing. This was most probably caused by the fact that everyone there knew what I was to come.

The whole thing was much of a blur. That kept blurring and blurring even more; until I saw nothing but darkness.

The Fault In Our Stars: After AugustusWhere stories live. Discover now