Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning with the determination of not being late today. I unlocked my phone, it was 6:00 AM, looks like I was on the right track. I had 3 unread messages. They were all from Kaitlyn:

Hey Hazel, I know we haven't talked since... you know what... but I hope you're okay. Text me.

Would you like to hang-out sometime???

Don't tell me you changed your number and didn't tell me...

It's true. We haven't seen each other, or let alone texted each other, since she called me to see how I was doing; after she heard about Augustus' death. I would really like to meet up with her, it'd be nice to hang-out with someone who didn't remind me of Gus.

I texted her back:

Thank you, Kaitlyn. Don't worry, I'm okay. And I would love to meet up today.

She replied, in an instant:

Great! Meet you at the mall at 3:17?

Of course, Kaitlyn's schedule had to be marked by the minute. I answered:

Sure thing.

As per usual, I switched my cannula from my BiPAP to Philip.

I almost never wore makeup, just the occasional mascara and lipgloss. But since I was early, and going to the mall today, I decided to put some fake beauty on my chipmunk face.

"Good morning!" my Mom and Dad said, in-sync.

It truly was a good morning, I was ready, on time, and made plans. "Good morning!"

"You seem happy," my Dad said, observingly.

"I am," I responded.

"And why is that?" my Mom asked.

"Why must you question my happiness?" I replied, proudly.

"I'm just saying," she answered. "By the way, Kaitlyn called this morning, looking for you."

"I know, we made plans to meet at the mall at 3:17. Sound good?"

"Sounds great," my Mom said, happily. She loves it when I go out, because 'I deserve a life'.


School was over, and I still had about an hour before I meet Kaitlyn at the mall. So, I just went home.

"Hey Sweetie," my Mom greeted me, as soon as I came home.

"Hey Mom, what are you up too?" I asked, observing paperwork on the table.

"Oh," she put the papers away in her satchel, "It's nothing."

"Mom," I said, she needed to tell me.

"Okay, fine. You're aware that I take social work classes, correct?"

"Yes," I replied, curious as to what was going on here.

"Well, I was given a family, to help."

"That's great Mom!"

"Thank you Hazel, I love you."

"I love you too."


I made my way to the mall, Kaitlyn and I usually always met at the food court, so that's where I went. I looked down at my watch, it was 3:15.

Exactly two minutes later, Kaitlyn arrived.

"Hazel, darling!" she said, touching my cheek with her's, making a 'mwah' sound.

"Hey Kaitlyn!" I replied, trying to sound as excited.

"How are you?"

Besides the cancer?

"I'm doing okay," I answered, "How about you?"

"Who cares? Guess what!" she said, ignoring my question.


"Nate asked me out!"

Nate's one of the hottest guys at her school, which used to be my school as well.

"How did he say it?" I asked, knowing it wouldn't be as romantic as Augustus. But I wasn't going to tell her, like all great love stories, our's will die with us.

"Well, ironically enough, we were in chemistry class, and he passed me a note that read: This class sucks, but you don't ;) Want to go out sometime?"

Definitely not romantic.

"Wow," I said, trying to sound happy for her. "What did you write back?"

"You're going to have to do better than that."

"But, you seemed so happy that he asked you out," I responded, confused.

"I am, because I'm truly flattered," she said. "But that is no way to ask a lady out."

"Good for you, Kaitlyn." I replied, proud of her. She deserves someone who will treat her how Gus treated me.

The Fault In Our Stars: After AugustusWhere stories live. Discover now