Chapter Fifteen

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My morning the next day consisted of silence. I looked at my bedside table to find out what time it was, and saw a note from my parents:

Dear Hazel,

You were sleeping so peacefully, we didn't want to wake you. But your Father and I had some errands to run. Have a great morning, we should be back soon.

xo xo

I decided to invite both Isaac and Nicholas, they would like one another. I probably should not call Kaitlyn, she would be an odd-man-out.

I called Isaac's home phone, but hung up after 6 rings with no answer. Then, I called Nicholas' cell phone, but also hung up after 8 rings with no answer. I wondered why none of them could have responded, but I wasn't really worried. After all, Isaac is NEC and Nicholas was somewhat healthy. Well, as healthy as a cancer patient can be.

So, I called Kaitlyn. Luckily, she picked up after 4 rings.

"Hello Hazel! How are you?" Kaitlyn answered cheerfully.

"Hey Kaitlyn, want to come over?" I asked her.

"I would love too," she said, sounding like there was going to be a 'but'. "But," I was correct. "I have to be somewhere today, what about tomorrow?"

"Sure," I responded.

"Great! Hope all is okay, see you then!" Kaitlyn replied, as she hung up the phone.

Looks like it was going to be a morning with just me, myself, and I.


I freshened up, and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast.

I wasn't much of a cook, so I just toasted some bread and scrambled some eggs - ghettoized.

While I was waiting for my bread to toast, I noticed my cell phone wasn't with me. So, I went to my room and looked for it, but it was no where to be seen. Fortunately, my phone was not on vibrate, so I grabbed the home phone and called it.

I didn't hear anything.

I let out a scoff, and then just continued with my breakfast.

Once my two pieces of white bread popped out of the toaster, I grabbed them, and put them on my plate beside the eggs. I then brought my food over to the living room couch and turned on the television.

I did a bunch of channel surfing until I ran into one that was currently airing V for Vendetta.

I stared at the T.V. screen, not really watching the movie, just staring. When it finally got to a commercial break, I switched the channel.

It got to abc family and they were playing Pretty Little Liars. I have heard about this show before, Kaitlyn watches it. So, I just kept the television on this.

During the show I was obviously very confused. All I knew was that there was a murderer, or something, named A. When I thought about it, could be a metaphor.

This 'A' was after them all, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't defeat it.

Cancer was after Augustus Waters, and no matter how hard he tried to stay around and annoy me, the cancer stopped what was made of him.

And now, A is catching up to me.

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