Chapter Nine

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I decided a break from the Grady's was needed. So, I called Isaac's house, hoping he was free to hang out. His Mother answered.


"Hi, this is Hazel, is Isaac available?"

"Oh, Hazel! Yes, hold on."

"Hey Hazel," I was now hearing Isaac's voice.

"Hey Isaac, want to hang out?" I casually asked.

"Sure, where too?"

"Where ever you'd like," I responded. "Pick you up in a bit."

I hung up before he could said anything else.


I arrived at Isaac's place within minutes and called their home phone, again, to inform him that I was here. This time, his brother, Graham, picked up.


"Hey, it's Hazel, Isaac there?"

"Hazel, Support Group Hazel?" Graham asked.

"That's the one," although, I haven't attended Support Group in forever.

"Hey! How's it going?" he said, continuing the conversation.

"Good, so is Isaac ready, or...?" I replied, getting to the point.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he then screamed, "ISAAC! SUPPORT GROUP HAZEL IS HERE!"

I then heard Isaac scream back, "TELL HER I'LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!"

"He said he'll be out in a second," Graham said, quoting Isaac.

"Okay, thanks Graham."

"No problem."

Isaac came outside, struggling to hold a basket and his white walking stick. So, I went to go help him.

"Thanks," he said, as I grabbed the basket from his hands and guided him to the car.

"It's the least I could do," I replied.

"Then what's the most?" Isaac asked, with no tone of sarcasm in his voice.

"Help you see again," I responded.

"Not the robot eyes, no thank you," he said, roughly getting into the car. He was finally comfortably seated, and I went to the drivers seat placing Philip somewhere steady.

"Where are we headed?" I asked him, after all, I did say where ever he'd like.

"A park, any park," he answered, "I'm in the mood for a picnic."

"That explains the basket," I said.

"No, the basket is full of bugs, shhh," he said, sarcastically.

I laughed and playfully punched his left arm.

"Well let's go!" I exclaimed, and we were headed to the park.


It was just the beginning of September, and the weather was still hot and humid. Today was a pretty day.

"So what's up?" Isaac said, once we arranged the picnic blanket and our basket.

"Doctor's appointments, reality shows, eight prescription drugs three times a day," I said. "What about you?"

"Sounds, tastes, textures, and smells; but all I see is darkness," Isaac replied.

I didn't know what to say in response, so I just nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

Yes, I felt bad for Isaac and his blindness, but I felt more sympathy towards myself. Sure, Isaac was blind. He could no longer watch T.V. shows or movies, run around freely without a cane to make sure he didn't bump into anything, or even look at his own reflection in the mirror. But on the brightest side, he was NEC (no evidence of cancer).

I, on the other hand, currently had terminal cancer which made my lungs suck at being lungs. And it was only a matter of time before they stop being lungs altogether.

The Fault In Our Stars: After AugustusWhere stories live. Discover now