Don't Worry

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Never enter the mansion.........

Its what Italy reminded himself and yet here he was where the mansion once stood.

Where he saw his friends die countless times. He had lost the count after 657. But he knew it had to be in the four digit number. How else could he not stop coming there?.

He guessed in his mind, somewhere deep, he had a pull towards it.

And he didn't like it at all.

He looked up at the sky, a few birds flying by. Some on a branch singing and others feeding their little chicks food or whatever they could get.

The wind suede, making the trees around look like they were dancing with it, his hair and curl seemingly it do the same.

"Ve~ its a beautiful day today". He said cheerfully. Pretending not to notice the blonde German who was hiding behind one of the near by trees. His right broad shoulder somewhat visible in the shadows cast by the sunlight. Italy would know who was who thanks to the many loops he was stuck on but he hate it when he would always be alarm by the sudden little sounds. Sometimes he would forget that he no longer had to be on toes and be ready for a fight. He almost gave himself away when he suddenly took out a knife ready to strike when it was only America laughing out loud to a joke that France had told him.

But luckily no one saw him drew it out because of the chaos going on at the meeting.

Although he had his suspicion that Germany knew something.

Why else would he be following him around and keeping an eye on him when he thought he didn't know?.

That's to be expected from, after all Italy had been acting out of character for a few weeks now.

Italy turned to go back, purposely going where the german was standing. And again pretending to get scare when he called out to him.

But instead of calling his country's name, he called his human name.

"Feliciano" He called on that stick voice. Not the same he would use for calming down a meeting but that that said 'let's talk'. His eyes showed no emotion or whatsoever, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Can we talk for a moment?".

Italy didn't hesitate to answer back. He knew what he was about to ask him. " Sure Germany, ask away" He said in his bubbly voice. Saluting at the same time.

"Tell me what's wrong? Why are you acting so differently since some time now?".

" Umm.... I don't know of what your talking about commander" Italy tilted his head his eyes even though closed his eyebrows showed he was confused.

He was used to this. The questions and the acting.

"Italy I may be strick with you sometimes but that doesn't mean I don't noticed the way you act or react"

This set Italy's alarm go off.

"What do you mean by react? I react as usual"

Calm down Italy maybe he's talking about something else .

"You know what am talking about. Don't act like you don't know!" Germany's breath was quick like he was running just a minute ago. Like he had been holding himself back but couldn't.

Germany's eyes widen when he suddenly realized what he had done. "Italy...... Im.... Im sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I really didn't mean it" He rub his hand against his face closing his eyes in tiredness. "We should be going back, Japan might be wondering where we had gone. It's been more than an hour already" He let his hand go and went on his way passing Italy silently without saying another word.

When Italy saw that he was a good distance way he than turn back to the field, his eyes open.

"Am sorry. Just give me some more time" He whispered. Although he said it to himself than to the wind.

He looked up tilting his head towards to the sky.

I wish things would have gone differently. That way I wouldn't been caring this burden all alone. I wish I had forgotten everything like you guys had.

But at las, someone has to carry it and if it means I have to do it alone than it's fine as long as you guys don't suffer I am okay with that.

That at least I'll be of some use to you, right?


He than turn around to follow behind Germany, closing his eyes at the same time. Hiding the emotionless golden brown eyes for no one to see. He didn't want others to take notice and worry about him. He wanted them to be normal and not worry about nothing else except their country and their people.

He would act forever if it meant for the others to be themselves.

Italy then picked up his pace, he didn't want Germany to gain more suspicion and plastered his 'smile'.

"Italy, hurry up!" Germany yelled.

"Ve~ Coming Germany!" He said in his bubbly voice.

He would act like this just to make the others happy enough.

That he could promised.

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