Waiting for the Others

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"Italy?" China asked confused. He sipped some tea and put it in the table in front. "Which of the brothers?"


"The little one?. What does he want from us?" He asked as to Russia agreed with. He hasn't yet sipped the tea he had in his hands. Only had circled the cup almost coving the entire thing. Warming them up.

"That I am not certain of. But what I am certain is he wants all the Allies here. Including Prussia." He said as he took a sip from his own cup of tea. "His brother and Spain."

"He didn't give any details?"

Japan shook his head. "I can't say much since it isn't my place to say anything. But I know it had to do with a package that arrive yesterday morning"

"A package?" Russia said curiously. His signature smile in his child like face.

Japan nodded. "Yes. I am assuming is something of importance. Something that involves the Allies"

"Us?" China and Russia said in union. Both confused as why and how they were involved.

"And are you sure he hadn't said anything more than that?" China said as he leaned towards Japan.

Japan again shook his head. "He wouldn't say anything else. Not until everyone was here and accounted for." Just after he had said that Germany appeared. His eyes were wide for a moment as if he hadn't heard voices coming from the living room. But composed himself quick and nodded a hello to the each of them. And went and sat on the opposite side of the two countries. His expression with the usual small frown and his eyebrows in a angry line.

China leaned back and took a sip.

Everything was quiet. The only sound was the clock ticking and birds singing outside. After a moment Germany spoke.

"I suppose you two were informed of the situation?" He said.

China nodded. "Yes, Japan told us. But what I still don't get is, why? What is the reason?"

"I don't know either. I tried to get Italy to tell me a little more but it seems he is persistent about everyone gathering here"

"It seems it is that important, da?" Russia said as he finally took a sip from his tea. A little cold but still warm nonetheless. "I am sure he has reasons as to why he is so secretive" He sipped again. "I can understand to a certain point"

Germany, China and Japan watched him with questioning looks. All of them wondering what he meant when he said 'understand'. They wanted to asked but that would mean intruding into another country's business. That and because they knew it was something they would regret knowing.

After a minute Italy come into the living room.

"China. Russia. You guys are here early" Italy smiled. "Come and eat with us. Japan has made breakfast" He said as he wave them over to the kitchen.

Japan stood from his armchair and made his way to the kitchen passed Italy to make more food and to also heat up the food that was in the kitchen table. He didn't have to see if the others were following behind, the sound of steps were enough of conformation. Once he had heated up the food and made extra for Russia and China, he sat himself down and ate his own plate. Save for the extra pasta Italy had somehow made in under four minutes. He would never understand how he did it but he was happy that Italy was trying his best to act as normal as possible.

When everyone was done with their own plates everyone but Italy and China stayed behind to wash them. Japan had insisted to washed them himself but was put under a spell from Italy doing the puppy dog mouth and getting on his knees. They didn't notice the stare Germany had given to China from behind as they were already too busy with the dishes. 

Russia noticed but decided to see everything play out.

"You know," China begun when they were finally alone. "I know when a person is miserable when I see one" he dried a plate and put it in its original place. "Your holding back. You don't want the others too see you more sad than when you did when you broke down crying."

Italy was quiet.

"Right now you're wondering how I know. I could tell from the way you were acting. Way too happy than normal." Italy handed him a plate, still saying nothing. "If you keep trembling you might drop a plate" he said as he dried it up anyways. The sounds of the birds were eerie to hear. "I may not be close relationship with you as a human or a country but just know if you need someone to talk to or want advice, just know I'm here. It doesn't matter if we are from different heritages or beliefs just know I'm here. Okay?"

Italy closed the faucet and stood still looking outside the window. Letting his tears silently flow. China dried his hands in a towel and went to the others. Before he did he stopped behind Italy and put a hand on his shoulder and walked away. Letting him take some time to himself.

He didn't hear when Italy whispered "Thank you" from behind. 

He wiped away his tears and sighed in exhaustion. He looked up to the ceiling and smiled to himself. "I wished it were that easy" and when to his room to relief himself some stress.

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