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Germany stumbled a few steps back as he was hugged by the older nation. Well, previous nation.

"Prussia? What are you doing here?" He asked rather confused. He had been too busy in his own thoughts that he had forgotten about what Italy had asked of Japan.

"I had a phone call from Japan saying that my precious Italy wanted to tell me something so I rushed here as fast as I could. But with the time difference I had to take a break to catch up with my sleep. Don't want to look unawesome in front of my little one" He said with a smirk on his face. His eyes narrowed into a look of smugness but that quickly dissolved as he looked at Germany's tired form. "I stop seeing you for two days and now look at you. It seems you can't even survive without my presence." He put his hands on both Germany's shoulders as he took a good look at him. "What's wrong West? It seems something's on your mind"

Germany looked at the ground for a moment. Deciding whether to tell Prussia what has gone down in the last two days. Deciding whether or not to tell him his little one has been having a burden on his shoulders and that he has refused to tell anyone. And he really doubt he could get him to tell him. Seeing that he had seen China try but fail.

"It's nothing bruder. How was the trip?" Right now he would rather have Prussia's attention somewhere else for now.

"It was a bothersome trip but it was worth it for my little Italy. Talking about him I wonder if there some pasta here. I'm starving. The food in the plane was okay but it wasn't as good as the food my little birdie does" He said to himself. He was heading for the door but stopped in his tracks as if remembering something. "By the way can you unpack my stuff for me? I would if my stomach wasn't so demanding right now" He said as he continued on on his way. Leaving Germany by himself.

Germany sighed in tiredness and rubbed his neck as he turned to the bag his brother had somehow snuck in without his notice. Probably during the sudden burst of the door almost knocking blood out of his nose and leaving him in a nose bleed state. He shook his head to get back into focus. At least he had something to do to distract his mind with. Even if the distraction was unpacking his brother's stuff.

He was quiet as he separated the clothes. Some of them by color and others by the shape of it. He tried his best to keep his mind away from the current situation. He didn't want to even guess what was it that Italy was willing to keep quiet. He let out a quiet sigh as he then moved on ahead to put Prussia's clothes on a near by drawer beside the bed between the door and the mattress and closing it slowly. With that out of the way he stepped out of his room. He had originally planned on staying the rest of the day in his room but decided to distract himself by spending some time with his brother. Even if he did get on his nerves, he would be a good company for him. Having something normal.

On his way to the kitchen he could already smell the lingering smell of food. Even when he had ate just moments after he still felt his stomach growling. He blushed a little. It was times like this that brought back good memories of him looking for something to eat and Italy as if reading his mind would already be there in the kitchen, preparing him something so he wouldn't have to do it himself. The table set and the main dish already at the center of the table. And Italy with his smile on his face and dragging him to come and sit with him.

He stood there for a moment in the kitchen way seeing everything and hiding a hidden smile as he saw Italy on and about. Making him almost forget the mysterious burden he was carrying and the sad, lonely and broken hollowed eyes he had when he opened them. He grimace at just the thought of it. He was now silently begging the other nations to hurry up and arrive. He couldn't take the nagging feeling he had been feeling since the day he had given Italy the packet. The packet he wished he had never found. And the packet he knew would change them.

When Prussia noticed him standing by the kitchen doorway he had stopped talking about whatever it what it was and observed Germany closely. Italy noticed and stared at Germany as well as his hands were clenching and unclenching on his sides. His look avoiding Germany's.

"What's wrong West?. It seems like you want to punch something" Prussia said as he broke the silence. He knew if he didn't distract his little brother from whatever it was he was thinking, he knew he would snap at someone and say something he would regret later. "Want to sit in my lap and share with your big brother" He tapped his lap showing him to come and sit. It was something he would usually do in private in their own home, not in public and knew Germany hated when he did that. "Or do you want to share while we eat?"

Germany shook his head. Instead he asked "Where is Japan?" He looked around the kitchen but he wasn't nowhere to be seen. "I have to ask him a few things"

Prussia paused for a moment from putting cheese on his pasta and put his fork on top of his mouth as if pretending to think. "Umm.... I think he said something like going out shopping or whatever. I didn't pay much attention since my stomach was growling at me for food" He poked his stomach making his point. And presume to putting more cheese on his pasta and then slurping it down without chewing the food.

Italy was washing the dishes he had used and didn't noticed when Germany was gone. That is until Prussia spoke. "I know whatever it is your hiding is something dangerous and may even cause the others hurt but know if you keep lying to yourself and the others, you won't know what is a truth or a lie. I know for one from experience" He stood up from the table, taking his plate with him. Italy taking a few steps to the side, letting him wash his own plate. His eyes open for a bit.

"I know" He said quietly.

Prussia closed the faucet and dried his hands on a nearby towel and just like China he put a hand on his shoulder. "If my brother is too persistent, tell me. Perhaps I can calm him down. But know Italy that I can't always calm his temper. He doesn't get mad easily considering he has gotten used to you and your way of child like personality but even the patience person could snap at some point. And I don't want to see you hurt. But know you can always come for him for help. After all he's just a room away, okay?" He smiled a small smile. It was enough for Italy to understand he could count on him for anything.

Italy closed his eyes and spread a smile. It wasn't a fake like smile but a true one. It wasn't big like his fake ones but a small one, nonetheless.

"Grazie" (Thank you)

Prussia ruffled his hair and left to his room to rest.

Italy then went to the living room to wait for Germany. He had heard the door open and closed and was sure he had gone out for a small walk. He sat down on the sofa near the door but didn't noticed that he fell asleep on the spot.

Hoped you enjoyed. So......................its been almost 5 weeks? Sorry about that 😅 i will try not to do that again but as i had previously said before i was going to start school sooner or later and i have n let me tell u its freaking EXHAUSTING but i think i will manage. So i ll be clearing out this from now on. I am officially almost falling out of the fandom BUT dont worry i will put all my brain cells to be making this story. I hate when stories are not done and r just left there for the reader to wonder the ending. I wont do that. (I think) DONT KILL ME. I CANNOT DENY THAT BNHA HAS TAKEN OVER ME. and i am currently working on a tododeku story right now as i am writing this so look forwards to that. And thats all i had to say. Dont expect daily chapters like before BUT i will keep updating. And if u hadn't notices i also changed my user name. Yay.........

Stay toon for more stuff to come!!!!!!!!!!

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