Before It Begun

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Some of you might be wondering, what happened after Italy and England had both fallen asleep? What happened during the two days they were out? What was the reaction of the Nations who weren't there? Prussia, America, Canada, and Japan? Russia and China? As you all might have guessed they didn't take it really well, especially Japan.

"How did this happen?" Prussia, who had come back after France had called him of what had happened asked as he looked down at the Italian who was now sleeping in bed. He didn't like how still and quiet the Italian had become when he had said be had fallen asleep, the reason still unknown to him. "Did he start acting strange to indicate he was going to suddenly be unconscious?" He looked over at France to fine him still looking around worriedly. His mind was being focus at nothing but him. "Hey! France am talking to you! Tell me what exactly happened" Prussia shook the Frenchman to knock him out of his shock state. It did somehow as France started to fiddle with his fingers and started to speak. All the while looking down.

"We were just having breakfast that Italy had done. We were all talking and eating until we all noticed that he wasn't eating with us but then........... He........ Um-m England........ He asked if he was alright and when he touched his hand he.... They both fell unconscious. Before England had fallen asleep he kept screaming and shouting things that we didn't understand" He then pointed to Italy's left hand which had a mark around it, the mark slowly turning into a bruise. The thing not going well with the Italian's light tone but somehow pale skin. "But," France quickly said before Prussia could even let him go, this got his attention, his purple-red eyes and the eyes of everyone in the room still on him. They would have talked to Germany but they couldn't in the moment, his full attention in the Italian in bed. He hadn't spoken a single word when it happened, his eyes seeming like a a robot with no emotion, only except this robot didn't understand no command it was given.

"But? But,what? Spill it Francis!!" Prussia most often didn't call France by his human name, it only ever happened whenever he was either mad at him or desperate.

"It wasn't only Arthur screaming. The moment he touched his hand Italy started to scream as well in agony. It was enough to make him tear up and kept murmuring about how he was sorry. Apologizing nonstop until me and Germany managed to get him off. At first Arthur didn't want to let him go, it was what caused the bruise in his hand. Like he was holding on to him" All of this being said while being held by Prussia by his shirt. In any other time France would have complain about his touching of his shirt because it was "Made to wear and not pull" but the Frenchman knew better this wasn't a time to complain about that. Not when someone he knew was in bed with the possibility of maybe not waking up in some time.

Prussia let him go and sighed a long sigh as he brush his silver-grey hair with his hand. If it would have been in a different situation France would have playfully joked about him considering being a model for some kind of magazine but didn't and kept his mouth shut. "If there is nothing else I can assist with, then I will be in my room keeping an eye on England" And turned on his heels back to the room. He didn't turn around nor said a word as the personifications of America, Canada, Japan, China, and even Russia stayed quiet, all in which didn't know what to say next.

The first to speak was unexpectedly America. "It wasn't his fault this all happened. If it was one of us in his position, then, yeah sure, probably we would have gone crazy to think of something to help but what is done is done. However," He turned to Germany and Italy, the German still soothing gently Italy's left hand on which the bruise was on. "I could understand to a sorten point that it was unexpected. England's magic is something in short of weird but I am for sure that we both know that it was never to this extent, it had never happen something like this before" Canada nodded along to what his brother was saying.

"We never really believed a lot in his magic. Yes we did, but we never thought it was a strong pull"

"Yes, I know" Prussia spoke. Some of the Nations were a little startled almost forgetting the Eastside German Nation even if it was just for a few seconds. "I know first hand what his magic can truly do. To the two of you it may look like he may be a crazy man 'pretending' to do magic but I can assure you all that is not all what he can do" He turned to face them. "Prepare yourself, this might only be the beginning of what the Italian Republican of North Italy wanted to tell you" And with that he too, stepped out of the room and went to the next room over wanting some time for himself.

"I'll stay here and attend to Italy's and England's health. The rest of you can stay outside" China said. He had been called by a freaked out Japan telling him Italy and England had both collapsed. He didn't admit it to him or anyone but he was honestly scared when his voice suddenly come through scared and frightened like that. It made him think of past memories he often wished he could forget. The memories that remind of what it used to be between him and Japan. When the little version of the personified country would come to him in wonder and asking an endless amount of questions about everything. His little brown eyes full of curiosity, he didn't want to let him go. But when the time come for him to be independent, that was the day it truly become clear of what it was like to lose someone so dear. He knew it was around the time to let him go but he couldn't. All he wanted, truly, was to protect that innocence that was so pure it was a welcoming warmth unlike his own. Unlike him, he had had blood on his hands when they met, countless wars and battles to worry about. His people and economy. But when he encountered him, it made him forget about all his worries as both a Nation and human it was like an enchantment.

China grabbed one of the nearby bedroom armchair that wasn't too big nor to small for him to seat and sat right at the opposite of Germany, but unlike him, he wasn't kneeling on the floor. He knew even if he tried to talk to the German he wouldn't be able to get him up and seat in a seat properly so he stayed there silently. He didn't mind. At this point almost all of the Nations went to the living room to wait, all but a certain Nation.

He turned with a neutral expression but with a small smile on his face to the said Nation. "What is it, Japan? Are you feeling sick?"

Japan only shook his head. "No, it is nothing of impotence. If you need anything please call me and I'll try to get it for you" And stepped out of the room as well closing the door shut behind him.

Nothing was said as yet another day has passed.

That is until there was a knock on the front door of the house.

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