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Japan sat peacefully in his armchair reading a book. It was quiet. Silent enough you could hear a feather land on the floor.

It was a long day for him but it was worth it if it meant he could interact with his people. He would jump at every chance he could get when he had some days off. Walking on the street, seeing people bustling by, some hurrying for work, others going into stores, enjoying the view, and the children running and chasing each other.

He specially loved seeing the children go. He liked seeing his future generation grow and just be kids, nothing to worry about except play with each other.

Although he had to admit, he envy them. If he was a normal human being all he would worry about is work and life.

Not economic problems and trying to make amends with other nations.

But he was glad at the same time, if he were a normal human being he would have been dead by now, not having a chance to see how life and technology had change so drastically over the course of time.

And wouldn't had the power to help.

He closed his book he had in his hand noting to himself the page number and word he had stopped at before leaning his head back. He rested his eyes for moment, letting them fall shut. His exhaustion taking over his body.

But he didn't get to enjoy it for long as he heard the front door open and the sounds of 'Ve~'s coming through.

There goes my little quiet time. But Im glad they come back safe.

He thought as he stood up and went to greet them "Welcome home. Did you enjoy your walk?" He asked.

"Ja, we did Japan, thank you for asking"

"Ve~ I did as well. Your home is truly something to behold" Italy said in his cheerful voice.

No trace of what had happened back on the field.

Acting was truly his specialty.

Japan blushed at the compliment that Italy said. He was glad they enjoyed it and were happy to be there.

"Arigato, Italy-san. Im glad you enjoyed your walk" He said while bowing down a little, showing his appreciation "Please enjoy more of your stay"

"Ja, we will but we won't be staying for long as you are on your days off and we don't want to be a bother to you while you have free time" He said modestly.

Japan quickly shook his head. "No, no it's okay. You can both stay as long as you want. Make yourselves at home"

"Nein, you had been working non-stop this past few days, you deserve a break" He said strictly. "Besides that we need to go back in four days or so. We still have some work waiting for us back at home and I would like to go back to finish it before it starts to gather and have to do more than necessary" He said with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Japan only smiled "Hai"

Germany nodded his head in agreement but smile. "If we are done here let's all rest and take some time for themselves"


"Va bane" (Okay)

"I will see all of you in a while then" Germany said as he headed to his room but stopped and turn around and said "And don't do anything that would get you in trouble Italy, please" He said as he rubbed his hand against his face. And turn towards his room closing it tight from behind.

"I know and don't you worry commander I won't" Italy said as he saluted even though Germany wasn't there to see it. He then turned to Japan "Don't worry Japan I won't do anything that would cause trouble in your home" He said still saluting. And went off to his room, doing the same thing as Germany closing it tight from behind. But locking it this time.

Japan nodded to himself and went back to his armchair to continue his reading.

HetaOni:Memories And Destruction  (BEING REWRITTEN!)Where stories live. Discover now