The Dream

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The place was black and far, far enough England couldn't tell where it ended and where it started. He was confused to say the least being one moment in the kitchen with France, Germany and Italy and then asking Italy if he was alright, after that he ended up here. And with here he had no idea where here was.

"What in the name of the Queen is going on here?" He asked to no one in particular. Looking around once again to make sure he hadn't missed anything he started to walk, to where? He didn't know.

After a while his feet started to hurt for a bit.

"Seriously, what in the bloody Queen is going on here?!" He shouted. No echo reaching his ears but then whispered. "What in the bloody world is this place?"

Soon enough after what felt like an eternity for him he spotted something on the floor. Walking closer to the item he then recognized it as a book. Grabbing it from the floor he turned it over examining it. The brown leather felt like silk in his hands, the air surrounding it felt like tiny sparks dancing on his hands just by mere holding it. He never felt something like this before, his mind telling him it was somehow familiar. The feeling of dread in the back of his mind now coming forward through his forest green eyes, a dread he hadn't felt in a long time or so he thought.

Tracing his fingers on the cover he then opened the book; not only seconds later all the pages fell to the black floor. He bent to pick them up but noticed that all of them had traces of blood on them. Fingerprints all over them and some pages looked crumbed in some parts like someone had opened this book many, many times before. 

When he finally gather all the pages up he then noticed numbers on them. The numbers going through 1 to 12 in red blood. England's blood ran cold at the sight of it, a familiar feeling tugging at the back his mind but not quite remembering exactly why.

His ears suddenly started to hear a small voice in the far distance starting out as a small whisper but soon that whisper turned louder and louder. The words at first were a bit slur but when he understood them, a chill of frightening ran through his whole body. The chill alone and the air coming around him was enough to tell him to not to move. If he did he would regret it. But he didn't obey that feeling, he used to be a pirate and had seen things much worse than what he had seen, much less been through things that could be consider a pain for others but to him it could be like swapping a fly. 

When he did turn, he wished he hadn't at all.

He wished he had listened to that feeling of not turning around.

The sight he was seeing now was something he knew he wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon or ever will.

In front of him was Italy on his knees clutching what looked like a book and England quickly recognized it as the same book he was holding in his hands as well. What really shook him the most was what was in front of Italy. The creature looked to be almost like Toni, the pet alien America hangs around with but he knew this wasn't him. There was no way the creature standing in front of Italy was the same, not with specks of blood all over its body. The grey almost naked like creature with black eyes staring down at Italy mockingly on the ground was no way like him. Even if Toni and him didn't get along he knew he wouldn't go to this point of hurting someone.

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