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Russia was the one to open the front door when there was a knock. He had been having some trouble going to sleep and decided to stay in the living reading a book he had brought from his home. When he did open the door he was met with a pair of cold amber eyes looking directly at him. 

"Why hello, Mr. Spain, South Italy. You are both just in time. Your brother is in the room with Germany and China" When he said that he saw the look of Romano changed from a cold look to a questioning and worried face. "Ah," Russia hummed. He guessed he should have kept his mouth shut. "Please come in. Japan can't be with you due to him and some of the others being asleep. Leave your luggage anywhere and follow me" And so he took them to where Italy and Germany were at. Knocking quietly he heard the soft steps of someone coming to the door, when it opened he wasn't at all surprised to see China the one opening it. "Romano and Spain had arrived"

China nodded and stepped outside closing the door behind him. He knew the Italian brother would want to see his twin but right he knew it wasn't the time. It was the middle of the night and he knew they would make noises that would wake up the others. He had the feeling that tomorrow would be a long day. A day that wouldn't compare to their sleepless nights of work related to their country, it was much more different. How he knew, he didn't know.

"If Russia brought you two here, I am guessing you are aware that you know your brother is in there but you don't know why, am I correct?" Romano nodded.

He hadn't gotten that much sleep in the jet. The whole ride there he was trying to be calm but all his mind could only think about was his brother and what he was doing and if he was doing okay. And he guessed it all right when he thought of the worse. He knew his brother was one to not be careful with his health, especially when it come to a certain German. "What's going on? Why can't I see him?" At this point he was sleepy and agitated and all he wanted to do was see his brother just once and now he couldn't even do that. He swore all he wanted to do was hit something or someone as China was the closes but decided against it already knowing Spain will stop him or the Chinese man himself. 

"I'll explain everything later but for now it seems you two need some rest. Don't worry if anything happens I'll call you right away" He said as he guided both of them to a room already set up for them. "For now, rest. If you want to see your brother you have to make sure your body is well rested" He then quietly shut the door behind them as they went inside before the Italian could figure out anything. 

Romano sighed in tiredness as he sat on the bed, both his hands gripping the bed sheet. After a while he noticed Spain hadn't said anything the entire way there. It was strange to him since on the way in the jet he was trying to make conversation and talking about random things and now, it was kind of freaky in his part not talking. 

"Hey," He called. He turned to look at him and found a serious look looking his way. He wasn't scared he knew that look wasn't directed to him but to something else. "Let me guess, it was that dream again?" He knew it was it when Spain went to seat beside him and rested his head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand and gripping it, strong but not strong enough to hurt him. 

"I don't like it when I dream of it" He stayed quiet for a moment and continued on staring, staring at nothing but the wall. If Romano could see them he could easily guess the Spaniard's bright green eyes were dull right now. "I hate seeing the same dream over and over again. It's like am stuck in the same time loop endlessly it doesn't matter what I try to do in it it's still the same result"

Romano felt a warm liquid in his hand that fell in his lap after that many more came. He didn't have to check what it was, he already knew it was Spain's tears. It always ended with this ending. If only he knew how to properly comfort him maybe he wouldn't be crying all the time. The only thing he could say to him were insults here and there but even he knew that wasn't enough to make him cry all but except that dream could.

"Stop crying, you big crybaby. Your suppose to be the strong one here, not me. But," He made the Spaniard look at him by grabbing his face and making him face him eye to eye. The color of both of their eyes almost the same color but if one looked closer they could tell one had much more clearer of the color green and the other easily mistaken for the same. Although almost the same they weren't equal to the color one of them want to have of the other. "It's okay to let go once in a while. You had endure so much because of me as well and with that damn dream of yours I know you won't be able to stop yourself from worrying for the both of us" Romano let his hand slid down against the Spaniard's cheek gently. He knew if he didn't do this, Spain's eyes would be wondering endlessly at something to give him answers, a something he knew would be a lost cost and to that he couldn't bare to see much more.

"If you don't stop with this strange act of yours I won't pick out more tomatoes for you and make your favorite foods and desserts, you bastard" He really didn't want to depend in this side of his behaviour but he couldn't help it. Everytime he returned to his old self of when something wasn't wrong he always got to see that smile once again, the one he always saw when he was small and still to this day.  

And he did smile making him laugh in the progress. "Roma, your mean. Okay, I will try to stop if only for you and your delicious food that can't be made from no one else except you" And proceeded to pat him in the head a gesture he used to make at times to make him mad but not anymore. Not like it used to.

"Come on let's rest for a while it has been a long night for us"



"You too"

Romano turned to face Spain from behind him. He had gotten up to change out of his clothes from behind his back. Even if they were both men he still somewhat felt embarrassed to change in from of him.

"What do you mean?"

Spain just smile as he then proceeded to grab some clothes from his bag and went to the restroom to change. Not turning to see a questioning look from the Southern Nation of Italy.

I wonder what did Spain mean by "you too" ?? 🙊😇 

OHH and by the way if some of you r wondering how they got their bags there it was because Russia took them on ahead before they had entered their assigned room ^J^


Edit#2- Hello guys so umm something that had happpened a few days a go was that wattpad was going crazy and is still is in my other account. I the idiot of the world thought it was a good idea to log out of this account and update it when I got back in had finished its progress of updating (which the place of the profile and writing suck and still have to get use to it stil) I wanted to try it out and see if it worked.......... It did but THEY NEEDED ME TO RESET MY PASSWORD AND IT WASN'T LINK TO ONE OF THE EMAILS I USE T-T BUT LUCKILY I REACHED OUT AND A LOVELY ASSISTANT HELPEED ME OUT and when I finally got to reset my password I right away did a new one and link it SO THE MORTAL OF THE THIS SMALL SOTRY IS TO MAKE YOUR ACCOUNT IS LINK TO ONE YOU USE!!! I ALMOST LOST EVERYTHING AND DID ANYTHING TO GET BACK TO YOU GUYS!!!

So thats it please do tell me what you thought of this chapter and how it can be better! And also should I do a seperated book where you can ask the Hetaoni characters any questions that you may have, till then!!!

HetaOni:Memories And Destruction  (BEING REWRITTEN!)Where stories live. Discover now