Memories and a Package

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Im sorry Italy, we weren't able to stick together and gotten out alive.

Please forgive me.

Live for us and escape.

Japan then opened his eyes.

He stared at the ceiling for a long moment not having enough strength to get up and go to his bed. He knew it was late but even the lateness couldn't stir him to go to bed.

His mind was blank. His brain was working hard to remember what he just dreamt. He knew it was something important but he didn't know what.

But one thing he was certain was, blood.

Lots of it.

And pain.

Enough pain that he felt he was being ripped apart alive.

He stayed where he was for a little while longer more until his back started to have cramps. So he slowly stood up leaving his book on the side-table and headed to his room.

When he past by Germany's room it was quiet but he could faintly hear the soft snores coming from it, confirming he was asleep.

Japan couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

Even the big strick Germany has to snore.

He laughed quietly to his own thought and went on his way.

When he past by Italy's room, he waited for the faint sounds of his 'Ve~'s but it never come. A thought then stuck his head. Italy by this time of night would have been in the room with Germany sleeping there by now. He was debating with himself now on whether to open Italy's room or not but remembered that Italy had locked it earlier.

Curiosity got the best of him and tried the doorknob anyways.

It was locked.

Well that is to be expected.

In a way he was glad it was locked, his curiosity is something he wouldn't be able control if it was unlocked. He then went on to his room, his mind still lingering on the dream as he opened the door and went straight to his bed.

It wasn't long after he had laid down that he heard the faintest sounds of crying from the next room. He didn't give it a lot thought thinking that it was all in his head as the dreamness had taken a hold of his body and was taking his mind into a dreamless sleep.


The next day Japan woke up to the smell of something delicious cooking. The smell alone was enough to wake him up and to signal his mind that it was morning. When he got to the kitchen he saw Italy up and about humming to himself seemingly not noticing Japan standing just outside of the kitchen. When he did he almost let the pan he was holding fall to the ground, almost ruining the food he had just made.

"Japan, don't startled me like that!" Italy cried grabbing his chest where his heart is suppose to be with his free hand. He was then taking deep breaths as if the startle alone was enough to give him a heart attack. "The food I just made was about to be ruined" He said while laughing it off. Forgetting the whole shock.

"Im sorry Italy-san I didn't mean to" Japan said as he bowed.

Italy only shook his head "No it's okay Japan I know you didn't do it on purpose" He said smiling.

Japan stood straight. "It's weird, I thought by now Germany would have been up by now. I figured it was him doing breakfast" He said while he took a seat, served himself in a plate and muttered 'thank you for the food ' in low voice before he digged in.

"No, I went to check in his room if he was still sleeping but he wasn't. I think he went out somewhere and might be back in a bit" He said as he served himself too in a plate and doing the same as Japan and started to eat.

Not long after, Germany come back with a package in hand. His face was nothing but happy instead was a face of pure worry. "This package is for you Italy" He said as be handed it to Italy.

"Ve~?" He said. But still got up and holded it in his hands. His hands however wouldn't stop shaking.

Japan noticed this and asked "Italy are you okay?" Worry laced in his voice.

Italy could only shake his head as tears started to pool in his eyes, eventually falling down his cheeks leaving watery traces in their awake. His voice shaking as he kept on saying "It can't be" Over and over again

Germany and Japan having no words went and stood beside him, as he fell to his knees, holding to the package like his life depended on it.

They didn't know how it would mean the same thing to them once they knew.

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