Near Death

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Baxter's Pov:

I was in my lab, about to do a dangerous experiment with some Sulfuric Acid.

To keep myself safe in case of an explosion or a spill, and the Sulfuric Acid makes contact with my skin, I have put on a white Sulfuric Acid protection suit, black gloves and boots, and a gas mask so I don't inhale the fumes.

I put my gloves on, the gas mask resting on my head.

"Alright, experiment with Sulfuric Acid, test run number 1-001 is a go. Hopefully when I pour the acid in with the chemical I have been working on, it will balance each other out" I say, speaking into a small data voice log.

I positioned the gas mask over my face, picking up the jug of Sulfuric Acid and twisting the cap open.

I used the micropipet to extract some of the Sulfuric Acid from the jug. I hovered the tip over the beaker and squeezed the nozzle, allowing three drops of Sulfuric Acid to drop into the beaker.

A puff of green smoke emitted after the acid made contact with the light green chemical.

I was about to write down the results on a clipboard I had on the table behind me when I heard the hatch to my lab open.

Looking up, I saw (Y/N), Husk, and Niffty walking into my lab.

"Hey Baxter, we're just-" started (Y/N), but stopped when she saw what I was doing.

"Oh! Sorry Baxter. We were just wondering if you wanted to come up and maybe hang out with the three of us at the bar" she said, apologizing.

"No no, it's alright. I was just doing an experiment with Sulfuric Acid" I say, lifting my gas mask so it was resting on my head again.

"If ya say so kid" grumbled Husk.

"What's your experiment about?" Asked Niffty, curiously.

"I was hoping that the Sulfuric Acid and the chemical I created would balance each other out. It's supposed to turn blue, from what I hypothesised. Unfortunately, it didn't work" I say, dejectedly.

(Y/N) came forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"Don't worry. You'll figure it out" she says.

I hugged her back and buried my face into her shoulder.

We suddenly heard the sound of the hatch opening.

We all looked up and saw a pink and white blur rush past us.

"Hey Baxter gotta barrow this I hope you don't mind I might not return it when I'm done THANKS!!!" Said Angel, rushing to the desk I had the Sulfuric Acid on and grabbing one of the red chemicals on the shelf above it.

In the process, he bumped into the table, causing it to screech along the floor a couple centimeters, the jug of Sulfuric Acid falling over and spilling. At the same time, he knocked over five other chemicals from the shelf, causing the beakers to fall and  break on the desk, mixing with the Sulfuric Acid.

"ANGEL!!!" I screeched angrily, panicked.

Angel just dashed by and out of my lab.

The Sulfuric Acid chemical mix that spilled and mixed together started bubbling and smoking.

I rushed over to the table and grabbed the jug. It was almost completely empty.

Husk and Niffty had quickly flipped over an empty table and ducked behind it.

"Baxter!" Says (Y/N), alarmed.

I turned to look over at her and she was motioning for me to get away.

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