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(Y/N) Pov:

Everyone had been advised to stay inside because there was going to be an extermination later today.

We had also had a proper family meeting about a month ago.

My dad, me, Baxter, Serenade, my brother Hacker, AND my mother had attended the meeting.

Mom explained everything to us and why she had been acting the way she had.

Dad didn't completely forgive her, since she did A LOT of really bad things to us, but he agreed for them to start over.

Me, Baxter, and Hacker were all reluctant, since she had tortured us, but Serenade convinced us to give her a chance.

Now dad and mom were taking it slow by going on a dates and rekindling the relationship they used to have before they got married.

So far, everything's been going out fine.

Part of the agreement was that me, Baxter, and Hacker had to spend an entire day with her and get to know each other more.

Today was my day to go spend the day with her. Hacker's days were Sundays, my days were Tuesdays, and and Baxter's days were Fridays.

"Mommy, can we go to the park today? I really want to go play with my new friends" Pleaded Serenade, flying into the room and floating next to my chair.

I sigh, rubbing my temples to try and relieve my headache.

"We can't sweetie. It's too dangerous out there today. You can go tomorrow. Uncle Husk and Aunt Niffty will be able to take you while me and your father go to the Inner Circle meeting. Okay?" I said tiredly. I had been up all night trying to help Hacker find out why his new virus had malfunctioned. We still haven't found the problem yet, PLUS Lucifer had hired me as his new assassin. Basically he would call me and give the details on who he wants killed, and I would do the job. He even pays me after every kill.

"But I want to go today" whined Serenade, grabbing hold of my right wing and pulling it.

I sigh in frustration and banged my head down on the table.

"Go bug someone else. I'm too tired to deal with you right now" I mumbled.

I love my daughter, but when she wants something, she will not stop bugging you about it.

Serenade humphed and crossed her arms, puffing out her cheeks to show how angry she was. She then turned and flew off, phasing through the door.

Baxter's Pov:

I was in my lab, trying to isolate the formula for a new potion Sir Pentious had accidentally bought at a Witch demon's shop.

Apparently it got rid of his arms, so now he's basically an actual snake and is currently having a panic attack in my torture room.

I locked him in there so he wouldn't break anything by accident.

I was the first demon he decided to come to to try and fix the situation he had gotten himself in.

I tried calling the number of the Witch demon he bought the potion from, but she had closed early on account of an extermination about to happen.

Looking into the microscope, I zoomed in on the small sample from the jar Sir Pentious brought me.

"Daddy! I wanna go outside and play with my friends, but mommy says we can't and we have to wait until tomarrow. Can you take me today?" Asked Serenade, flying over and grabbing my arm, trying to pull me away from my lab bench.

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